This view shows all levels of summary (unit, division, department and subdepartment) for new year (future) data. It includes summary information for salary & wages as well as capital, fringe, aids to individuals, special purpose, supplies & expense, and sales credits.
The view will be refreshed once annually after the budget is ‘locked’ the data will not be refreshed until the next budget cycle.
UW-System Budget Planning Office
Contact: Sara Voigts
You must receive approval to access data from the data custodian. For information about how to get authorized for InfoAccess data views, connect to the InfoAccess Home Page
Be aware of the data level you are selecting. Remember that there is a campus or unit level summary record (i.e. ‘A’)as well as summary records for each division, department and subdepartment within the unit.
Contact: Division of Information Technology Help Desk
Phone: 264-HELP (4357)
09/01/94 – New data view. (rzs)
01/11/96 – Changed Data Custodian from Floyd Rohde to Sue Schymanski (rzs).
03/09 – Added Project_User code to view. c4j.
09/19 – Changed from sourcing from the mainframe to sourcing from PlanUW
The codes following the field names in this document define the field. The different types are:
Alphanumeric Data
A – Alphanumeric field. This indicates the field may contain letters and/or numbers. The number following is the field length.
Example: a field defined as A5 could contain ‘E10LN’.
Numeric Data
PS – Packed-Signed field. This indicates the field may contain only numbers. The number following is the field length. If two digits with a decimal point in between are present the first indicates the number of positions before the decimal point and the second the number of digits after the decimal point.
Example: a field defined as PS4.2 would be in the format 9999.99 whereas PS6 would be in the format 999999.
DATE – Date can be in various formats. Date functions available with your query tool can be used to format the date.
Column Name Format Description
BUDGET_YEAR A4 This is a four-digit year which represents the budget fiscal year of July through June.
UDDS A7 Seven character code identifying the organizational unit to which the budget summary record belongs. The code consists of the following:
valign=”top” Campus (unit)
Sub-Dept valign=”top”The campus or unit cannot be space but any other level may be spaces as long as the level before it does not contain a value either. This ccorresponds to the Data_Level field on this file. valign=”top”The campus codes or units are as follows:
valign=”top” A = Madison K = Stevens Point
B = Milwaukee L = Stout
C = Eau Claire M = Superior
D = Green Bay N = Whitewater
E = La Crosse R = Center System
F = Oshkosh T = Extension
G = Parkside W = System Administration
H = Platteville Y = Systemwide
J = River Falls
FUND A3 Indicates the general source of funds from which the budgeted amount is paid.
ACCOUNT A4 Starting with fiscal year 2010:
This contains last 4 digits of the SFS Project code if applicable. For Madison campus, this field is normally blank since they put the Project number in the Project_User field. valign=”top”Prior to fiscal year 2010:
This contains the legacy account number if applicable.
ACTIVITY A1 Code which indicates the function for the budgeted amount:
valign=”top” 0 = Student Services
1 = Institutional Support
2 = Instruction
3 = Hospitals
4 = Research
5 = Public Service
6 = Academic Support
7 = Physical Plant
8 = Auxiliary Enterprises
9 = Financial Aid
& = Farm Operations
DATA_LEVEL A1 Level of record:
0 = system
1 = campus
2 = division
3 = department
4 = subdepartment
PROJECT_USER A7 This field contains either a WARF user code or SFS project code.

WARF user code is a seven character code used for internal management purposes by Chapter 37 institutions (campuses that used to use the WARF processing center). The user supplies this code to aid in associating budget data with their campus systems.

SFS project code represents a type of program activity, events, special events or project within a fund that must be monitored and reported independently from the organization.

The project/user code was added to the view for fiscal year 2010. The field will be blank for any rows prior to fiscal year 2010.

BUDGET_TOTAL PS9 Contains total amount for the following budget summary categories:
valign=”top” Aids to Individuals
Fringe Benefits
Special Purpose
Supplies and Expense
Sales Credits
Salaries and Wages
AID_TO_INDIVIDUAL PS9 Budget summary amount for aids to individuals.
FRINGE_BENEFITS PS9 Budget summary amount for fringe benefits.
CAPITAL PS9 Budget summary amount for capital.
SPEC_PURP PS9 Budget summary amount for special purpose.
SUPL_EXP PS9 Budget summary amount for supplies and expense.
SALES_CREDITS PS9 Budget summary amount for sales credits.
SALARIES_WAGES PS9 Budget summary amount for salaries and wages.
FTE_TOTAL PS7.2 Total number of FTE for salaries and wages.
UNCLAS_TOTAL PS9 Budget summary amount for unclassified staff.
UNCLAS_FTE PS7.2 Number of FTE for unclassified staff.
COL15_MERIT PS9 Column 15 on Form 2A. Merit rate adjustment amount for unclassified staff.
COL11 PS9 Column 11 on Form 2A. Use of this field depends on the annual pay plan exercise.
COL12 PS9 Column 12 on the Form 2A. Use of this field depends on the annual pay plan exercise.
COL13 PS9 Column 13 on the Form 2A. Use of this field depends on the annual pay plan exercise.
COL14 PS9 Column 14 on the Form 2A. Use of this field depends on the annual pay plan exercise.
UNCLAS_CONT PS9 Budget summary amount for unclassified continuing staff.
UNCLAS_CONT_FTE PS7.2 Number of FTE for unclassified continuing staff.
UNCLAS_CONT_MERIT PS9 Merit amount for unclassified continuing staff.
ACAD_ASSIST PS9 Budget summary amount for academic assistants.
ACAD_ASSIST_FTE PS7.2 Number of FTE for academic assistants.
ACAD_ASSIST_MERIT PS9 Merit amount for academic assistants.
CLAS_TOTAL PS9 Budget summary amount for classified staff.
CLAS_FTE PS7.2 Number of FTE for classified staff.
CLAS_STUD_HELP PS9 Budget amount for student help.
CLAS_LTE PS9 Budget amount for LTE.
LOADDATE A8 This field is used to indicate when the data was last refreshed.
UNIT A1 First character of UDDS.
DIVISION A2 Second and third character of UDDS.
DEPARTMENT A2 Fourth and fifth character of UDDS.
SUBDEPT A2 Sixth and seventh character of UDDS.