This view is a selection of data from the October data from the Position Reporting System. This view contains appointment types (AS,CJ,CL,CP,ET,FA,LI,SA and SH) along with the academic hourly. The information presented here is only for filled positions and current, active, financial splits from the last pay period of the month. There is one record for each active financial split, therefore there may be more than one record per person. This data view is historical and includes October snapshots since October 1993. The data for each year can be identified by the payroll year field.

The Budget data views have been modified for the HRS implementation that went into production in April of this year. The budget data was converted in May. Views that use the following fields from the budget system were modified:
– The ‘BUDGET_ID’ is no longer the appointment ID. Instead it consists of the last 6 digits of the empl ID and the last 2 digits of the Employee record number associated with the job. If a person has more than one concurrent job that is budgeted, they will have more than one budget ID in the budget system. Most people who have one active job at a time will just have one active emplyeee record and that is typically record 00.
– The empl ID is the same as the legacy person ID for any employee who was active in both legacy IADS and HRS.
– The ‘BACKUP_APPT_ID’ field has been re-purposed to hold the HRS position number and is now called ‘POSITION_NUMBER’. A job can be associated with one position at any given time, however over time, a job could be associated with several different positions as they accept other jobs throughout their university career. There are also some jobs that may not be associated with any position (student help, LTEs)
– Starting in fiscal year 2012, the social security number is no longer stored in the budget system database.

Each new year of data will be added after the new October Position Reporting System has been created (usually mid November).
UW-System Budget Planning Office
Contact: Sara Voigts
You must receive approval to access data from the data custodian. For information about how to get authorized for InfoAccess data views, connect to the InfoAccess Home Page
The fields: soc_sec_number, seniority_date, backup_appt_id, and warf_user_code will only contain data for payroll_year = 1995 and on.
Contact: Division of Information Technology Help Desk
Phone: 264-HELP (4357)
04/17/95 Added the fields: soc_sec_number, seniority_date, backup_appt_id, warf_user_code and record_id to the view.
8/11 HRS changes
12/14 updated description on soc_sec_number.
1/2022 Updates were made to handle new data values coming from the Title and Total Compensation project (TTC). Post TTC data is first shown in the Nov 2021 data. The changes in the data values post TTC are as follows:

    • TITLE_GROUP is not being populated
    • TTC Union Code is found in the BARGAINING_UNIT field on the view
    • TITLE_LITERAL has been increased from 21 characters to 30 characters
    • TTC Salary Grade value is found in the SALARY_RANGE field on the view
    • TTC Job Family (e.g., ‘IT’) is found in the SALARY_SCHEDULE field on the view
The codes following the field names in this document define the field. The different types are:
Alphanumeric Data A – Alphanumeric field. This indicates the field may contain letters and/or numbers. The number following is the field length.
Example: a field defined as A5 could contain ‘E10LN’.
Numeric Data PS – Packed-Signed field. This indicates the field may contain only numbers. The number following is the field length. If two digits with a decimal point in between are present the first indicates the number of positions before the decimal point and the second the number of digits after the decimal point.
Example: a field defined as PS4.2 would be in the format 9999.99 whereas PS6 would be in the format 999999.
Date DATE – Date can be in various formats. Date functions available with your query tool can be used to format the date.
Column Name Format Description
PAYROLL_YEAR A4 The year the October payroll was created. For example, if the October payroll tape was created November 3, 1994 the year would be 1994.
PERSON_ID A8 A unique number assigned to each person. The number is always the same for the same person.
BUDGET_ID A11 The budget ID is the identification number for the record.

For filled positions, this field is 8 digits. For fiscal years 1994-2011, this field contains the legacy appointment_id. Starting with fiscal year 2012, this field contains the empl ID(last 6 digits) followed by the 2 digit Empl Record associated with this person’s job.  Starting October 2021, this field contains the 8 digit Empl ID  followed by the 2 digit Empl Record associated with the person’s job.

For vacant position, group position, negative position, lump sum, and deduction record, this field contains a dummy ID number assigned by the budget office.

Budget ID (pos 1) Record Type & Description
———————— ————————————–
Numeric A filled position
R B vacant position
G G group position
J J negative position
($ or position taken away)
L L lump sum record
D M deduction record
(take $ away)

For other than filled positions, the budget ID must begin with alphabetic codes enumerated above and the last eight positions must be unsigned numeric and less than ‘99999999’.
The ID is left justified in the field.

If it is a group position, staff-type must = ‘A'(group positions only valid for academic staff).

If it is a header record, the first five characters of the budget ID are low values followed by ‘UHL1’. If it is a trailer record, the first five characters of the budget ID are high values followed by ‘UTL1’.

RECORD_TYPE A1 Indicates the type of position described in the record. The values are generated from the first position of the budget id. The values in record type may be: A = filled position
STAFF_TYPE A1 Indicates the staff to which a position belongs.
A = Unclassified
C = Classified
APPOINTMENT_TYPE A2 Indicates the major personnel category for this appointment. Each type is governed by specific statutes and/or personnel regulation, policies, or procedures.

FA = Faculty
LI = Limited
AS = Academic Staff
ET = Employees in training
SA = student assistants
CP = classified permanent
CL = classified LTE
CJ = classified project
SH = student help
OT = other

TITLE_GROUP A2 Starting in Nov 2021 (post-TTC) this field is not being populated
Oct 2021 and prior:  Groupings of titles of similar duties.Edit:
Alpha numeric
A1 = professional
A2 = program manager
A3 = administrative director
A4 = business offices
B1 = instruction
B2 = research
C1 = academic administrator
C2 = academic program director
C3 = other academic
D1 = faculty
D2 = employee in training
D3 = student staff
D4 = other faculty
BARGAINING_UNIT A2 Starting in Nov 2021 (post-TTC) this field contains the Union Code (e.g., ’07’)
Oct 2021 and prior:  Code for the “bargaining unit” to which the title has been assigned. Currently only used for classified titles.
UNCL_EXCEPT_CD A1 This field is only valid for unclassified staff. It contains the unclassified special code. The entry screen on FM2A is labeled ‘STATUS’

‘ ‘ = none
‘A’ = county agent whose salary is not entirely paid through the university. They are not represented as full-time staff in the budget.
‘B’ = county agent whose salary is entirely paid through the university
‘F’ = faculty status
‘T’ = externally funded appointments (e.g. USDA appointees, military science, etc.)
‘Y’ = executive pay plan (named in legislation)
‘W’ = UWS executive pay plan (assigned by university)

‘F’ only valid for filled positions i.e. (record type = ‘A’). Also must be unclassified staff other than professors, associate professors, assistant professors, and instructors. (CY staff type = ‘A’ and CY unclassified function not (C20, C30, C40, C50, C60))

‘A’ and ‘B’ must be supported by a ‘CA’ comment split

EMPLOYEE_STATUS A1 Code that indicates the status of a classified employee at a given point in time. For classified staff this is entered in a field labeled ‘EMPLOYEE STATUS’.

A = Apprentice (all crafts)
B = Project Project Employee (added 1979-80)
C = Project Permanent Employee (added 1979-80_
P = Permanent
R = Red-Circle (salary above maximum for range)
S = Seasonal (primarily in agriculture)
T = Trainee (not used for crafts)
E = Emergency budgeted as lump sum items

TITLE_LITERAL A30 If filled, vacant, or group position, literal describing the position’s current year title. For lump sums and deducts, it contains a description of the lump sum or deduction.
TITLE_CODE A5 Used to identify the official University System title for the position.
TITLE_MOD A1 A = Affiliate
B = Collaborative
D = Short Term (24 months)
E = Employee I Training
F = Fixed Term Appointment
G = Re-employed Annuitants
L = Limited Term Appointment
N = Unclassified Staff Probation
P = Faculty Rank Probation
Q = Acting Appointment
R = Emeritus
S = Student
T = Tenure
X = Honorary Fellow
Y = Vacant Position or non-renewable summer faculty
Z = Indefinite Appointment
GUAR_LENGTH PS1.1 The specific period of time stated for the length of fixed term, backup, or rolling horizon appointment. Title modifier must be ‘F’ or ‘D’ on one of the splits.

0.5 YEAR

CONTINUITY_STATUS A2 Describes the continuity of the appointment. in budget, only appointments with title modifier of ‘F’ or ‘D’ are required to enter this information. Therefore, only the following values are used:

This appointment is for a finite length of time, and there is no expected renewal (e.g., fixed-term terminal academic staff, classified project, 5th year TA, work study).

This appointment is for a specified length of time, but renewal is expected or recurrence is possible (e.g., fixed term academic staff, recurring LTE, regular TAs).

This appointment is for a guaranteed length of time, based on annual reappointment. For all rolling horizon appointments, the length must specified and kept in guaranteed length in apptappt.
must be spaces if there are no splits with title modifier = ‘F’ or ‘D’

SALARY_RANGE A2 Starting in Nov 2021 (post-TTC) this field contains the Salary Grade (e.g., ’25’).  A list of the ranges can be found here:
Oct 2021 and prior:  This is the pay range code
SALARY_SCHEDULE A2 Starting in Nov 2021 (post-TTC) this field contains the Job Family (e.g., ‘IT’).
Oct 2021 and prior:  The Salary Schedule combined with the Range defines a range category for a given title code. This pertains to hourly personnel. The value in this field will be a one character alpha for records with a payroll_year equal 1994 (i.e. A, B, ETC).for payroll_year 1995 and on the salary schedule value will be a two character number (i.e. 01, 02, etc.)
UNIT A1 This is the first character of the UDDS code otherwise known as the campus code.

The campus codes are as follows:
A = Madison K = Stevens Point
B = Milwaukee L = Stout
C = Eau Claire M = Superior
D = Green Bay N = Whitewater
E = La Crosse R = Center System
F = Oshkosh T = Extension
G = Parkside W = System Administration
H = Platteville Y = Systemwide
J = River Falls

DIVISION A2 These are the second two characters of the UDDS code
DEPARTMENT A2 These are the fourth and fifth characters of the UDDS code
SUBDEPT A2 These are the last two characters of the UDDS code
UDDS A7 Seven character code identifying the organizational unit in which the split is budgeted.

The code consists of the following:
Unit (campus)

FUND A3 Indicates the general source of funds from which the budgeted amount is paid. Valid only for financial splits where Trailer-Id = ‘A’, other than no salary splits. If spaces, CY-Budget-Amt or PY-Budget-Amt must be zero or Trailer-Id = ‘L’ (must be no salary or leave split).
ACCOUNT A4 Used by Peterson Processing center campuses only. A 4-digit code which further sub-divides a given fund.
ACTIVITY A1 Code that indicates the function for which a particular split is budgeted.

0 = Student Services
1 = Institutional Support
2 = Instruction
3 = Hospitals
4 = Research
5 = Public Service
6 = Academic Support
7 = Physical Plant
8 = Auxiliary Enterprises
9 = Financial Aid
& = Farm Operations

WARF_USER_CODE A7 A code used for internal management purposes by institutions that use the WARF processing center. The user supplies this code to aid in associating budget data with WARF payroll data. This field contains data for payroll years 1995 and on.
PAY_BASIS A1 Indicates the basis on which the relevant rate is expressed and the probation period.

Academic Staff
A – Annual rate (12 month); payable as 1/12 each month; normal period is 07/01 – 06/30.
C – Academic rate (9 month); payable as 1/9 each month of the academic year; normal period is the academic year (September to June) which changes each year.

H – Hourly rate; payable biweekly according to method set by Dept. of Administration.

Space – No salary; applies to positions shown in the budget but not paid by the university; rate equals zeros; e.g., military science staff, emeritus faculty, volunteers

ANNUAL_PAYROLL_AMT PS7 Amount for an October Payroll appointment for a particular split key (UDDS, fund, activity, account, WARF code, etc.). Carried as whole dollars.
RATE PS7.3 Contains the rate of pay for the budgeted position. This is carried as zeros for lump sum and deduction records (Record-Type = ‘L’, ‘M’) for which this is a meaninglass data element.

For other than the two types of records discussed above, Rate is carried in terms of the Pay-Basis on which the position is paid.

Pay Basis Rate
H Hourly e.g. 03.015
A Annual e.g. 12000
C 9-month e.g. 09000

Hourly rates apply only to classified staff. Annual and 9-month rates apply only to unclassified staff. The rate is checked for consistency with the staff type, pay basis, percent time and budgeted amounts.

POSITION_NUMBER A11 For fiscal years 1994-2011, this field holds the legacy appointment id which points to the limited appointment with which this backup/concurrent appointment is associated. Starting with fiscal year 2012, this field was re-purposed to hold the HRS position number. A job can be associated with one position at any given time, however over time, a job could be associated with several different positions as they accept other jobs throughout their university career. There are also some jobs that may not be associated with any position (e.g.student help, LTEs on some campuses).
FTE_COUNT PS1.2 Indicates the full-time equivalence of the position. This field applies to individual filled and vacant positions, negative positions, and group positions; it is set to zeros for lump sum and deduction records (Record-Type = ‘L’, ‘M’).

Calculated using the following formula:

Sum of Budget Amts
——————– = FTE Count
Annual Rate

FTE Count can never be greater than Pt-Fract, must be less than zero for negative positions.

APPT_COUNT PS1.2 The appointment count is a non-duplicating count for the system. One appointment count per appointment ID.

Calculated using the following formula:

Total Annualized Monthly Payroll
by UDDS/Fund/Activity
——————————————— = Appt Count
Total Annualized Monthly Payroll

FUND_FRACT PS3.2 Indicates the percent of the entire salary for the position paid on the particular split in the fiscal year. It is an FTE count for the split.

The sum of the Fund-Fract for a given budget year must equal the FTE-Count for that year. The Fund-Fract is ‘forced’ into agreement with the FTE-Count; i.e. if a full time, full period position is split 1/3, 1/3, 1/3, the Fund-Fract will be 0.34, 0.33, 0.33 to equal an FTE-Count of 1.00.

————— = Fund-Fract

SPLIT_PERCENT_TIME PS1.2 The percent time for which the position is budgeted. This could be 1.00 while FTE is .50

If Record-Type > ‘B’ (other than individual position), Percent time is zero

If record-type = ‘A’ or ‘B’ (an individual position), Percent time must be numeric and not greater than 100

If percent time is not zero and position is classified, Percent time must be greater than .28 (28%)

If partial period, e.g., ‘SEM1’ and 100%, PT-Fract will be 1.00, while FTE will be .50

NAME A30 The name currently used by a person. For system display and reporting. If there is not enough room for the full name, enough information in the proper format must be provided to best identify the individual.

The name is taken from the APPTPRSN table using the person ID in the budget record. The Peterson Payroll Processing center is responsible for monitoring names for employees paid through that center. WARF Processing Center provides information monthly to maintain the information for employees paid through that center.

For system display and reporting. If there is not enough room for the full name, enough information in the proper format must be provided to best identify the individual.

SOC_SEC_NUMBER A9 The Social Security number assigned to a person by the Social Security Administration. The Social Security number is required for all paid individuals with the exception of foreign employees working overseas. Starting in fiscal year 2012, this field will no longer be populated.
GENDER A1 Person’s gender if position is filled.
M = Male
F = Female
BLANK = Unknown
BIRTHDAY A8 The day, month and year of the person’s birth.
Format: YYYYMMDD. It will be blank when not supplied
AGE_AS_OF_JULY01 A2 The person’s age as of July 1st of the current year (assumes the data is always run after July 1st i.e. October or November).
SENIORITY_DATE A8 The adjusted date of civil service employment with the State of Wisconsin. In the format YYYYMMDD. This date may be adjusted because of breaks in service such as termination, reinstatements, layoffs, etc.

The adjusted continuous service date is used, for example, to generate length of service payments, to allocate annual vacation for leave accounting, and to rank employees for layoff provisions, including reinstatements, etc. This field contains data for payroll years 1995 and on.

RECORD_ID PS7 This is a generated record number to create a unique key.
LOADDATE A8 This field is used to indicate when the data was last refreshed.
EXTRACT_DATE_TIME DATE The date and time these data were extracted.