Instructional space data that includes all general and department assignment classrooms, lecture halls, recitation rooms, seminar rooms, class laboratory rooms, and other spaces used for scheduled instruction.
Historical terms (starting at term 1146) will show what the room looked like at the end of the term.  Current term and three future terms will be refreshed on the schedule below.
FP&M Space Management Office
Contact: Jesse Winters
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Contact: Division of Information Technology Help Desk
Phone: 264-HELP (4357)
07/2014 – New view created.
Key fields are identified with an asterisk (*) Field Formats describe the field type and length.
VARCHAR2 (N) (N) = maximum length. Field contains letters and/or numbers. Trailing blanks are eliminated.
Example: VARCHAR2 (5) could contain ‘ABC12’ or ‘ABC’ or ‘A’
NUMBER (N) (N) = length. Field contains only numbers.
NUMBER (X,Y) = format for numbers with decimal positions. X = total number of digits and Y = the number of digits after the decimal.
Examples: NUMBER (6) represents 250012 NUMBER (6,2) represents 2500.12DATE = Date can be in various formats. Date functions available with your query tool can be used to format the date.
Column Name Format Description
*TERM VARCHAR2 (4) The SIS code for the academic year and semester.
*BLDG_NUMBER VARCHAR2 (12) The official building number as listed by Space Management Office INSITE database and on the SMO webpage.
BLDG_NAME VARCHAR2 (128) The official building name as listed by Space Management Office.
*ROOM_NUMBER VARCHAR2 (12) Room number as listed in Space Management Office INSITE file.
ROOM_CONTROL VARCHAR2 (128) Division, department, or unit that controls the room as listed in Space Management Office INSITE file.
ROOM_TYPE_CODE VARCHAR2 (48) A code to define the primary use / sub-use of the room defined by Space Management Office
ROOM_TYPE_DESCR VARCHAR2 (48) A description to define the primary use / sub-use of the Room_Type_Code
Valid values are:
60 = Alteration / Conversion
110 = Classroom
115 = Classroom Service
210 = Class Laboratory
215 = Class Laboratory Service
220 = Open Laboratory
250 & 255 = Research / Non-class Laboratory
310 = Office
315 = Office Service
350 = Conference Room
410 = Study Room
430 = Open Stack Study Room
440 = Library Processing
520 = Athletic / Physical Education
530 = Media Production
540 = Clinic
575 = Animal Quarters Service
610 = Assembly
680 = Meeting Room
710 = Central Computer / Telecommunications
720 = Shop
850 = Treatment / Examination
ROOM_AREA NUMBER Room square footage as listed by Space Management Office INSITE file.
ROOM_OTHER_DEPT_USE_IND VARCHAR2 (1) The room is available to departments/units outside of the controlling department.
Valid values are:
Y = Yes
N = No
U = Unknown
ROOM_SCHED_CONTACT VARCHAR2 (128)  Name, email, and phone number for person or organization that manages the room reservations.
SEAT_TYPE VARCHAR2 (128)  The predominant furniture / seating type in the room.
Valid values are:
Chairs = Movable chairs, no work surfaces available.
ClsrmT&C (CLASSROOM TABLES & CHAIRS (FIXED)) = Movable tables and chairs arranged in rows facing forward.  Often has instructor station, chalkboard, screen, etc. at front of room.
ClsrmT&C- fx&mv (CLASSROOM TABLES (FIXED) & CHAIRS (MOVABLE)) =Fixed tables and moveable chairs laid out in rows.
ClsrmT&C- mv (CLASSROOM TABLES (MOVABLE) & CHAIRS (MOVABLE)) = Moveable tables and chairs designed to fit a room in rows.
Comp Stn (COMPUTER STATIONS) = Primary purpose of space is computer use.Work surface where a computer is present. Ex. Carrels, modular workstations, tables, desks.
Conference = Single, fixed table with moveable chairs.
Fixed = Fixed tables and/or chairs. Typically larger rooms with advanced technology in front.
LabBnch (LAB BENCHES) = Specialized work station for a specific type of study.  Usually includes unique equipment or furniture piece(s) that are specific to a particular function.  May include a computer as one component of equipment.  Ex. Drafting tables, heat and chemical resistant surfacing.
OpenArea (OPEN AREA) = No set seating or tables exist in the central portion of the space.  Ex. Dance studio, occupational therapy space, athletics area.
Practicm (PRACTICUM) = Furniture designed and set up to facilitate supervised practical application of previously studied theory.  Ex. Patient consulting, clinical/hospital scenario, mock trial.
Tble&Chr (TABLES & CHAIRS) = Movable tables and chairs arranged for face to face discussions.  Typically in seminar or conference setting.
TbltArmC (TABLET ARMCHAIRS) = Movable chairs with attached writing surfaces
SEAT_CAPACITY NUMBER (4) Number of seats in the room as found in the SMO INSITE file.
TECH_SUPPORT_CONTACT VARCHAR2 (128) Name, email, phone number, and web address of the person or group responsible for technology support in this room.
ROOM_NAME VARCHAR2 (64) Either an official campus name or a commonly used name.
AUDIO_SYS VARCHAR2 (128) Audio System.  Valid values are:
Program = Speakers and equipment to amplify audio from a device. Ex laptop, DVD player.
Program and Voice = Speakers and equipment to amplify both device and voice audio.
Voice Reinforcement = Speakers, microphone, and equipment to amplify a presenter’s voice.
INSTR_LAPTOP_INPUT_TYPE VARCHAR2 (128) Instructor laptop input type.
Valid values are:
Analog (VGA)
Analog (VGA) and Digital (HDMI)/
Analog and Digital
Digital (HDMI)
Program and Voice
INSTR_LAPTOP_INPUT_NUMBER NUMBER Number of instructor laptop inputs.
INSTR_STATION_COMP_TYPE VARCHAR2 (128) Instructor station computer type.
Valid values are:
Mac = Instructor computer(s) are running Mac OS operating system
PC = Instructor computer(s) are running Windows operating system
Dual Boot = Instructor computer(s) can run either Windows or Mac OS operating systems
Other Instructor computer(s) are running another operating system. Ex Linux, Unix, etc.
None = Instructor computer is not present in the room
STDNT_COMP_TYPE VARCHAR2 (128) Student computer type.
Valid values are:
Mac = Student omputer(s) are running Mac OS operating system
PC = Student computer(s) are running Windows operating system
Dual Boot = Student computer(s) can run either Windows or Mac OS operating systems
Other Student computer(s) are running another operating system. Ex Linux, Unix, etc.
None = Student computers are not present in the room
STDNT_COMP_NUMBER NUMBER Total number of student computers.
DOCUMENT_CAMERA VARCHAR2 (48) Document camera is available.  Valid values are:
Yes with USB output
Yes without USB output
DVD_CD_PLAYER VARCHAR2 (48) DVD/CD Player available
Valid values are:
Playable from computer
Region Free = DVD/CD player that will play DVD’s produced for use in other countries
Standard = DVD/CD player that will play standard DVD’s and CD’s produced for the United States
DVD_CD_PLAYER_CC_IND VARCHAR2 (1) A Closed Caption Decoder for the DVD player is installed in the room.
Valid values are:
Y = Yes
N = No
U = Unknown
VCR VARCHAR2 (48) A VCR is installed in the room.
Valid values are:
Region Free = VCR that will play VHS tapes produced for use in other countries.
Standard = VCR that will play standard VHS tapes produced for the United States.
No / None = VCR is not installed in the room.
VCR_CC_IND VARCHAR2 (1) A closed caption decoder capable of decoding caption tracks from the video signal is installed along with the VCR.
Valid values are:
Y = Yes
N = No
U = Unknown
PH_JACK_AVAIL_IND VARCHAR2 (1) An active phone jack is installed in the room and available for use.
Valid values are:
Y = Yes
N = No
U = Unknown
PH_RESTRICTIONS VARCHAR2 (48) Phone jack restrictions.
Valid values are:
N/A or No restrictions = An active phone line for any phone call
Restricted to campus calls only = An active phone line for campus calls only. (Any 26x-xxxx or 89x-xxxx numbers)
Restricted to local calls = An active phone line for local calls only
N/A = Phone Jack restrictions do not apply
PH_IND VARCHAR2 (1) A telephone installed in the room at all times and available to all who use the room.
Valid values are:
Y = Yes
N = No
U = Unknown
AUDIO_OUT_JACK_LOC VARCHAR2 (48) Location of audio output jacks
Valid values are:
AV Closet
Front and Side
NET_JACK_INSTR_IND VARCHAR2 (48) Wired data jack(s) at the instructor station or in the instructor area
Valid values are:
Y = Yes
N = No
U = Unknown
NET_JACK_STDNT_IND VARCHAR2 (1) Wired data jack(s) available for student use in the seating area of the room
Valid values are:
Y = Yes
N = No
U = Unknown
NET_JACK_STDNT_NUMBER NUMBER Number of network jacks for student use located in the seating area of the room.
NET_JACK_STDNT_LOC VARCHAR2 (48) Location of wired network jacks for student use in the seating area of the room
Valid values are:
At all workstations
At some workstations
LECT_CAPTURE_IND VARCHAR2 (1) Lecture capture equipment is installed and available for use in the room.
Valid values are:
Y = Yes
N = No
U = Unknown
LECT_CAPTURE_CONTACT VARCHAR2 (128) Name, email, and phone number for person or organization that supports lecture capture system in this room.
POW_OUTLET_STDNT_LOC VARCHAR2 (48) Location of powered outlets for student use in the seating area of the room.
Valid values are:
At all workstations
At lab benches
At some workstations
POW_OUTLET_STDNT_NUMBER NUMBER Number of student power outlets
MIC_TYPE VARCHAR2 (48) Type of microphone available
Valid values are:
Wired and Wireless
MIC_NUMBER NUMBER Total number of microphones that are installed and can be used simultaneously
AV_TOUCH_PANEL_IND VARCHAR2 (1) A control panel for all audio-visual equipment is installed at the instructor station.
Valid values are:
Y = Yes
N = No
U = Unknown
AV_TOUCH_PANEL_PASSWD_IND VARCHAR2 (1) A password is needed to control the AV system via the touchscreen in the room or at the podium.
Valid values are:
Y = Yes
N = No
U = Unknown
PROJECTION_TYPE VARCHAR2 (48) Type of projection.
Valid values are:
Flat Panel Monitor = Display monitor that is typically mounted to the wall or placed on a table or shelf
Front = A video/data projector is mounted in the room, or in a booth, and projects an image onto the front of the screen
Interactive = A projector/screen combination that allows users to control and/or annotate a computer image by touching the projection surface
Multiple = A combination of 2 or more of these projection types in a single room
Rear = A video/data projector is installed behind the projection screen, typically in another room
None = Video/data projection is not installed in the room.
PROJECTION_ASPECT_RATIO VARCHAR2 (48) Projection aspect ratio.
Valid values are:
16W by 9H = The projected image is rectangular; much longer side to side that top to bottom
4W by 3H = The projected image is almost square on the screen
N/A = Projected image size does not apply
PROJECTION_MAX_IMAGE_NUMBER NUMBER Maximum number of images that can be displayed simultaneously – may or may not correspond to the number of projectors in a room.
PROJECTION_SCREEN_TYPE VARCHAR2 (48) Projection screen type.
Valid values are:
Electric = An electric projection screen is installed in the room. Controlled either by a wall switch or an AV control system
Fixed = A screen that cannot be moved or retracted.
Manual = A screen that can be retracted or extended by pulling on it
Wall = At least one wall of the room is a suitable projection surface
None = Projection screen or projection surface is not installed in the room
PRESENTER_IMAGE_MAG_IND VARCHAR2 (1) A dedicated camera system that projects an enlarged image of the presenter’s face or what the presenter is doing to other parts of the room.
Valid values are:
Y = Yes
N = No
U = Unknown
VID_CONFERENCE_IND VARCHAR2 (1) Video conferencing equipment that allows for two way video and audio communication is installed and available for use in the room.
Valid values are:
Y = Yes
N = No
U = Unknown
WRITE_SURF_TYPE VARCHAR2 (48) Type of writing surface.
Valid values are:
Fixed Blackboard = A blackboard is mounted to the wall(s) of the room
Fixed Glassboard = A glassboard is mounted to the wall(s) of the room
Fixed Whiteboard = A whiteboard is mounted to the wall(s) of the room
Interactive Whiteboard = i.e. Smartboard
Moveable Blackboard = A blackboard on wheels is in the room
Moveable Whiteboard = A whiteboard on wheels is in the room.
Multiple = More than one writing surface available
Painted or wall covered surface = Wall(s) are treated so that chalk or dry erase marker can be used
None = Writing surface is not installed in the room.
WRITE_SURF_LIN_FT NUMBER Amount of simultaneously viewable writing surface in the room measured in whole lineal feet, rounding up from 6 inches
EXTERIOR_WINDOW_IND VARCHAR2 (1) Windows that provide a view of the outdoors.
Valid values are:
Y = Yes
N = No
U = Unknown
NATURAL_GAS_IND VARCHAR2 (1) Available spigots or pipes for lab use.
Valid values are:
Y = Yes
N = No
U = Unknown
ROOM_DARKENING VARCHAR2 (48) Ability to darken room.
Valid values are:
Total = Room has blinds, shades, and/or lighting that allows for complete darkness
Partial = Room has blinds, shades, and/or lighting that allows for some room darkening
No / None = Room darkening is not provided in the room
SINK_OPERABLE_IND VARCHAR2 (1) There is a sink in the room with an operable water faucet.
Valid values are:
Y = Yes
N = No
U = Unknown
SPECIALIZED_VENTILATION VARCHAR2 (48) Hoods or fans installed in a room for specific ventilation needs.
Valid values are:
Exhaust Fan = A fan that serves a piece of equipment or room area, typically with ductwork at or near the equipment in that requires exhaust
Fume Hood = Enclosed equipment with work surface and closing door. Typically found in scientific labs
Other = Other type of specialized ventilation
None = Specialized ventilation is not provided in the room, standard building heating and cooling only
AIR_COND_IND VARCHAR2 (1) Official list of air conditioned rooms from the Physical Plant Maintenance Mechanics.
Valid values are:
Y = Yes
N = No
U = Unknown
FLOOR_TYPE VARCHAR2 (48) Type of floor.
Valid values are:
Flat = The seating area of the room is flat
Sloped = The seating area of the room is sloped, with no steps
Tiered (stepped) = The seating area is tiered with steps.
FLOOR_COVERING VARCHAR2 (48) Floor covering.
Valid values are:
Carpet = Carpet is installed
Concrete = Floor is bare concrete
Terrazzo = Hard, smooth flooring that is typically speckled
Vinyl = A vinyl or linoleum floor, not tiled
Vinyl Composition tile (or Vinyl Comp) = Vinyl tiles, typically 12in x 12in in size
Wood = A finished wood surface.Other = Not part of defined list
Other = Floor is covered with something other than the options above
ADA_ASSIST_LISTEN_DEV VARCHAR2 (48) Part of the audio system that provides additional amplification for persons who are deaf and hard of hearing.
Valid values are:
FM Listen Technologies 72MHz = A specific ALD made by the company “FM Listen Technologies”. This is the predominant device and frequency for rooms with Assistive Listening
Infrared = Assistive listening that uses an IR transmitter in the room to send amplified audio to specific IR receivers. The IR transmitter must be visible in the room
Loop = A thin wire installed around the room that emits amplified audio as a magnetic field that is received by common hearing devices such as hearing aids and cochlear implants
Other FM = Please list the brand and frequency of the FM device installed
None = ALD is not installed
ADA_INSTR_AREA VARCHAR2 (48) Instructor Area.
Valid values are:
Flat = The instructor area is at the same level as the seating area
Platform = The instructor area is raised 1 or 2 steps above the seating area
Stage = The instructor area is a stage with more than 2 steps
None = A defined instructor area is not present in the room
ADA_WHEELCHAIR_ACCESS_IND VARCHAR2 (1) A person in a wheelchair can enter the room without assistance.
Valid values are:
Y = Yes
N = No
U = Unknown
ADA_WHEELCHAIR_SEAT_TYPE VARCHAR2 (48) Wheelchair seating furniture type.
Valid values are:
Fixed = Wheelchair seating is available at fixed tables in specific locations
Fixed & Moveable = Wheelchair seating is available at fixed tables and at movable furniture within the room
Moveable = Wheelchair seating is available at furniture that moves within the room
None = Wheelchair seating furniture is not available in the room
ADA_WHEELCHAIR_SEAT_LOC VARCHAR2 (48) Wheelchair seating location
Valid values are:
Front = Wheelchair seating is located at the front of the room
Middle = Wheelchair seating is located at the middle area of the room
Multiple = Wheelchair seating is located at multiple locations within the room
Rear = Wheelchair seating is located at the back of the room
Side = Wheelchair seating is located at the side area of the room
N/A = Wheelchair seating location does not apply
ADA_PRESENTER_LIGHT_IND VARCHAR2 (1) Students can still see the presenter’s face when the room is darkened for video presentations.
Valid values are:
Y = Yes
N = No
U = Unknown
ADA_REMOVE_ARM_REST_IND VARCHAR2 (1) For rooms that have fixed seating with arm rests, some of the seats have arms rests that are removable at the aisle to aid in transfer to the seating.
Valid values are:
Y = Yes
N = No
U = Unknown
EXTRACT_DATE_TIME DATE The date and time the data was extracted from the source system.