General information from ISIS about applicants to Graduate School
The more recent admit terms are updated nightly (i.e.past 2 terms, current term, and any future terms).
Graduate School
Contact: Katie Bourassa
You must receive approval to access data from the data custodian. For information about how to get authorized for InfoAccess data views, connect to the InfoAccess Home Page
Be sure to specify your program (major) or you will get all applicants to Graduate School.
Contact: Division of Information Technology Help Desk
Phone: 264-HELP (4357)
12/1998 New data view.
02/2000 New field added – self_reported_gpa
03/2002 Created view using varchar2
09/2004 Data Custodian change
05/2010 Added Admit_Type, Appl_Fee_Status, Appl_Fee_Status_Descr.
6/2010 Removed SSN and Applied Fee Paid.
5/2012 Added field Acad_Subplan and Acad_Subplan_Descr.
01/2013 Documentation Updated.
11/2014 Preferred name policy s8w.
04/2020 Remove fields:
12/2024 Updated legal sex
Primary Key Columns are identified with an asterisk(*)
Alphanumeric Data
VARCHAR2( N) (N) = maximum length. Field contains letters and/or numbers. Trailing blanks are eliminated.
Example: VARCHAR2 (5) could contain ‘ABC12’ or ‘ABC’ or ‘A’
Numeric Data
NUMBER (N) (N) = length. Field contains only numbers.
NUMBER (X,Y) = format for numbers with decimal positions.
X = total number of digits
Y = the number of digits after the decimal
Examples: NUMBER (6) represents 250012 NUMBER (6,2) represents 2500.12
DATE – Date can be in various formats. Date functions available with your query tool can be used to format the date.
Column Name Format Description
EMPLID VARCHAR2(11) The ISIS system’s unique identifier. (This is not the campus or student ID).
CAMPUS_ID VARCHAR2(16) This is simply a unique student identifier (10 digits). It may change occasionally at the student’s request. It is usually shown on the student’s ID card.
FINAIDS_INTEREST VARCHAR2(1) Indicates if a student selected that he/she is interested in financial aid on the application and is used by the Office of Financial Aid to distribute information.
Y = Yes
STDNT_GROUP VARCHAR2(4) Codes used to track particular student groups to which an applicant belongs.
Examples include:
P100 Project 1000
PCIC Project 1000/CIC Minority Prog
POHL Population Health
CONS Consortium
COOP Co-operative Program
SPON Sponsoring Organizations
CICT CIC Traveling Scholar
CFRE CIC Free Application
LAST_NAME VARCHAR2(30) Applicant’s preferred last name, starting in term 1142. Prior to the fall of 2014 it shows the primary/legal last name.
FIRST_NAME VARCHAR2(30) Applicant’s preferred first name, starting in term 1142. Prior to the fall of 2014 it shows the primary/legal first name.
MIDDLE_NAME VARCHAR2(30) Applicant’s preferred middle name, starting in term 1142. Prior to the fall of 2014 it shows the primary/legal middle name.
EMAILID VARCHAR2(70) Email address.
MAIL_ADDRESS_LINE1 VARCHAR2(35) First line of applicant’s mailing address.
MAIL_ADDRESS_LINE2 VARCHAR2(35) Second line of applicant’s mailing address.
MAIL_ADDRESS_LINE3 VARCHAR2(35) Third line of applicant’s mailing address.
MAIL_ADDRESS_LINE4 VARCHAR2(35) Fourth line of applicant’s mailing address.
MAIL_CITY VARCHAR2(30) City of applicant’s mailing address.
MAIL_STATE VARCHAR2(6) State of applicant’s mailing address.
MAIL_POSTAL VARCHAR2(12) ZIP code of applicant’s mailing address.
MAIL_COUNTRY VARCHAR2(3) Country code of applicant’s mailing address.
MAIL_COUNTRY_DESC VARCHAR2(30) Country name of applicant’s mailing address.
MAIL_PHONE VARCHAR2(24) Telephone number of applicant’s mailing address.
MAIL_EXTENSION VARCHAR2(6) Telephone extension of applicant’s mailing address.
HOME_ADDRESS_LINE1 VARCHAR2(35) First line of applicant’s home address.
HOME_ADDRESS_LINE2 VARCHAR2(35) Second line of applicant’s home address.
HOME_ADDRESS_LINE3 VARCHAR2(35) Third line of applicant’s home address.
HOME_ADDRESS_LINE4 VARCHAR2(35) Fourth line of applicant’s home address.
HOME_CITY VARCHAR2(30) City of applicant’s home address.
HOME_STATE VARCHAR2(6) State of applicant’s home address.
HOME_POSTAL VARCHAR2(12) ZIP code of applicant’s home address.
HOME_COUNTRY VARCHAR2(3) Country code of applicant’s home address.
HOME_COUNTRY_DESC VARCHAR2(30) Country name of applicant’s home address.
HOME_PHONE VARCHAR2(24) Telephone number of applicant’s home address.
HOME_EXTENSION VARCHAR2(6) Telephone extension of applicant’s home address.
SEX VARCHAR2(1) Applicant’s legal sex.
F = Female
M = Male
X = Another Legal Sex
U = Unknown
BIRTHDATE DATE Applicant’s date of birth.
MILITARY_STATUS VARCHAR2(1) This indicates a student’s self-reported veteran status at the time of application.
1 = Military status not indicated
2 = No service
8 = Military service
F = Family (spouse/parent) service
CITIZENSHIP_STATUS VARCHAR2(1) The applicant’s citizenship status. Valid values are:
1 = Native (Citizen)
2 = Naturalized
3 = Alien Permanent (Permanent Resident)
4 = Alien Temporary
5 = Alien
6 = Refugee
7 = Undocumented (same as 8)
8 = Undocumented (same as 7)
N = Unknown
CITIZENSHIP_COUNTRY VARCHAR2(30) Country of citizenship.
ADM_APPL_NUMBER VARCHAR2(8) Application Number.
ADM_CREATION_DATE DATE The date Graduate School uploaded the information into ISIS.
ADMIT_TERM VARCHAR2(4) The term for which the applicant has applied for admission. This field uses the term codes from ISIS:
First digit is century (0 for 20th, 1 for twenty-first) Second and third digits are last two digits of the fiscal year (13 for fall, 2012: spring 2013, and summer 2013). Fourth digit is the term (2 = fall, 4 = spring, 6 = summer)
Fall, 2012 = 1132
Spring, 2013 = 1134
Summer, 2013 = 1136
ACAD_PROG VARCHAR2(5) Program (major) code(i.e. G###, DNP, or AUD). You can find the codes in GWIS.
ACAD_PROG_DESC VARCHAR2(30) Program (major) name
ACAD_PLAN VARCHAR2(10) Degree code. Tells whether applicant is applying to a masters or to a doctoral program.
ACAD_SUBPLAN VARCHAR2(10) The code for the applicant’s subplan which is affiliated with the applicant’s plan. These are named options that are included on the transcript. Example: Program = G643(Mech Eng), Plan = ME 643EGR(Mech Eng ME) and Subplan = EN SYS (Energy systems).
ACAD_SUBPLAN_DESCR VARCHAR2(30) Descriptive name for the subplan code. Example: Subplan Code = ‘EN SYS’ and the Descriptive Name = ‘Energy Systems’
ACAD_LOAD_APPR VARCHAR2(9) Indicates whether the student is applying for full or part time.
COUNTRY_OF_BIRTH VARCHAR2(3) Code for Country_Of_Birth.
COUNTRY_NAME VARCHAR2(30) Full name description of Country of Birth.

A self-reported value from the application that indicates whether Wisconsin Resident. (Note: This is not the indicator used by the registrar’s office to determine tuition rates).
Valid values:
U = Unknown
N = Non resident for Wisconsin
R = Wisconsin State Resident

SELF_REPORTED_GPA VARCHAR2(9) GPA reported by the student on the application. This field is not verified by the transcript.
VISA_TYPE VARCHAR2(3) Identifies the visa type granted to the applicant for entry into the Unites States.
VISA_PERMIT_DATE DATE Date the visa was awarded.

Method application received
Valid values are:
WWW = Web applicant and uploaded to isis
HRD = Manual entry by Graduate School
DSK = Scanned in and uploaded to isis

ADMIT_TYPE VARCHAR2(3) Admission Status
Values are:
New = New to career. No previous enrollment in Grad career.
RAD = Readmitted to career. Previously enrolled with a break in registration, excluding summer. This is the same as a reentry.
APPL_FEE_STATUS VARCHAR2(3) The status of the application fee.
Valid values are:
EXP – Exempt (applicable to reentry students only)
NSF – Non Sufficient Funds
WPD – Waiver approved, money received
RWA – Returned, wrong amt
RFD – Refund
CCP – Credit card
IDP – ID Problem
WVD – Waived
REC – Received
PPD – Previously paid, still valid (for term changes)
PEN – Pending
INF – Insufficient Funds – Foreign Currency
APPL_FEE_STATUS_DESCR VARCHAR2(35) Description of the application fee status.
LOADDATE DATE This field indicates when the data was extracted. Format YYYYMMDD HH24:MI:SS