- This data view shows all undergraduate applicants (academic career = UGRD) applying to the University of Wisconsin-Madison. There are applications for multiple terms available. All applications entered will be available, but only the most recent Program Action/Action Reason for a specific application.
This view contains information on an applicant’s ethnic group. If the ethnic code is needed in addition to the ethnic group you will need to get authorized for STDNT_ETHNIC_CODES as well. - LOAD FREQUENCY
- Data is refreshed daily Monday – Saturday for the more recent admit_terms (2 past terms, the current term and all future terms.
- Undergraduate Admissions Office
Contact: David Leszczynski - AUTHORIZATION
- You must receive approval to access data from the data custodian. For information about how to get authorized for InfoAccess data views, connect to the InfoAccess Home Page
- When looking at applicant data, it is critical to indicate the admit term of interest. Also, please be aware that this view includes information on ALL undergraduate applicants. Therefore, it is also very important to note the Program Action and/or Program Status of an applicant to understand where that applicant is in the application process.
A new Citizen_Status (PS_CITIZENSHIP) code of 7 has recently been implemented to identify undocumented student. The impact of this addition on existing data views varies by data view. Until a policy decision is made about whether or not these applicants/students should be counted as citizens or non-citizens, fields that aggregate Citizen_Status and/or are derived from Citizen_Status should be used cautiously. These fields include, but may not be limited to: Citizenship, Citizen_Ind, Diversity, Targeted_Minority, Country_Citizenship_Code, Ethnic_Group, Home_Country, and Minority. Note that not all of these fields exist on all data views.
- Contact: Division of Information Technology Help Desk
Phone: 264-HELP (4357) - LAST UPDATED
- 6/2002 New View
10/2002 Added Program_Action_Descr (bc3) (s8w)
06/2003 Data Custodian change
09/2003 Changed definitions for the fields Citizenship, Citizen_Status, Ethnic_Group, and Targeted_Minority.
03/2004 Added documentation for Citizen_Status with a value of 7. Also added a warning to the Special Considerations section.
05/2006 Changed the refresh schedule/method used.
02/2008 Added Hold_Postal_Ind and Hold_Email_Ind - 02/2016 – Summary of changes implemented
Due to changes in how the following data is being collected and stored by the Undergraduate Admissions Office changes were required to the extract program to populate the fields correctly:
The High School class rank, class size, and percentile values will be set based on the transcript using all the following criteria:
1) External career of High School
2) High School organization that matches the application
3) Maximum transcript date
4) First external summary type found in the following order: HSWT, HSUW, 12WT, 12UW, 12MW, 12MU, 11WT, 11UW, HSTR, HSOV.No longer populate the following field as of Spring 2011-12 (term 1124):
No longer populate the following fields as of Summer 2012 (term 1126):
HS_Total_UnitsCorrected a problem with the extract program summing all high school foreign language units into HS_Lang1_Units field. The units are now broken out into the following three fields if the student took more than one foreign language:
HS_Lang3_UnitsNull out values in Cum_Transfer_GPA and HS_GPA where values are zero. - 04/2020 – Remove fields
Targeted_Minority - 12/2024 – Updated legal sex values
- Primary Key Columns are identified with an asterisk(*)
- Alphanumeric Data
- VARCHAR2( N) (N) = maximum length. Field contains letters and/or numbers. Trailing blanks are eliminated.
Example: VARCHAR2 (5) could contain ‘ABC12’ or ‘ABC’ or ‘A’ - Numeric Data
- NUMBER (N) (N) = length. Field contains only numbers.
NUMBER (X,Y) = format for numbers with decimal positions
X = total number of digits Y = the number of digits after the decimal
Examples: NUMBER (6) represents 250012 NUMBER (6,2) represents 2500.12 - Date
- DATE – Date can be in various formats. Date functions available with your query tool can be used to format the date.
Column Name |
Format |
Description |
*ID | varchar2(11) | ID number assigned by ISIS to be used internally. This is a unique ID for each student |
*Application_Number | varchar2(8) | A number assigned to each application. |
Applic_Source | varchar2(3) | The source of the application. Values are: EDI = Electronic Data Interchange HRD = Hard Copy WWW= World Wide Web |
Campus_ID | varchar2(16) | This is simply a unique student identifier (10 digits). It may change occasionally at the student’s request. |
Last_Name | varchar2(30) | Applicant’s last name. |
First_Name | varchar2(30) | Applicant’s first name |
Middle_Name | varchar2(30) | Applicant’s middle name |
Gender | varchar2(1) | Applicant’s legal sex. F = Female M = Male X = Another Legal Sex U = Unknown |
Birthdate | DATE | Applicant’s date of birth. |
Country_of_Birth_Code | varchar2 (3) | The code for the country of birth. |
Country_of_Birth_Descr | varchar2(30) | Description of the country of birth. |
Alumni_Tie_Ind | varchar2(1) | Indicates if a parent is an alum. Values are: Y=Yes |
Release_To_Alumni_Ind | varchar2(1) | Indicates if the applicant has given permission to release information to alumni. Value are: Y= Yes |
Visa_Permit_Type | varchar2(3) | Identifies the type of entry granted into this country to the applicant. To identify codes contact the Office of International Students and Scholars. |
Citizenship | varchar2(1) | Indicates whether an applicant is a US citizen (citizen_status = 1 or 2). Values are: Y = US Citizen N = Not a US Citizen U = Unknown (citizen_status = N) |
Citizen_Status | varchar2(1) | The applicant’s citizenship status. Valid values are: 1 = Native 2 = Naturalized 3 = Alien Permanent 4 = Alien Temporary 5 = Alien 6 = Refugee 7 = Undocumented U = Unknown |
Citizen_Status_Descr | varchar2 (30) | The description for the citizen status. |
Country_Citizenship_Code | varchar2(3) | The code for the applicant’s country of citizenship. |
Country_Citizenship_Descr | varchar2 (30) | The description of the country of citizenship. |
Residency_Code | varchar2(5) | Wisconsin Residency codes. Valid Values: N = Non Resident of WI R = Wisconsin Resident U = Unknown Blank = No decision made |
Residency_Date | DATE | The date residency was established. |
Tuition_Residency_Code | varchar2(5) | Residency code for tuition purposes. N = Non Resident of WI R = Wisconsin Resident S = Minnesota Compact U = Unknown Blank = No decision made |
Veterans_Status | varchar2(1) | Indicates if applicant is a veteran. Y = Yes Blank = No |
Athl_Category | varchar2(4) | Sport for which an applicant is being actively recruited by the Athletic Department. |
Athl_Category_Descr | varchar2(30) | Descriptions for Athl_Category: MBBL = Men’s Basketball MCCY = Men’s Cross Country MCRW = Men’s Crew MFBL = Men’s Footbal lMGLF = Men’s Golf MHKY = Men’s Hockey MSOC = Men’s Soccer MSWM = Men’s Swimming MTNS = Men’s Tennis MTRK = Men’s Track MWRS = Men’s Wrestling UKWN = Unknown Sport WBBL = Women’s Basketball WCCY = Women’s Cross Country WCRW = Women’s Crew WGLF = Women’s Golf WHKY = Women’s Hockey WSBL = Women’s Softball WSOC = Women’s Soccer WSWM = Women’s Swimming WTNS = Women’s Tennis WTRK = Women’s Track WVBL = Women’s Volleyball |
Hold_Postal_Ind | varchar2(1) | Indicates whether or not the student wants their postal address released to third parties. This value can be set by the student through My UW-Madison on the Student Records tab. Valid Values: Y or NULL NOTE: All third party mailings should be done through the Registrar’s Office. |
Hold_Email_Ind | varchar2(1) | Indicates whether or not the student wants their email address released to third parties. This value can be set by the student through My UW-Madison on the Student Records tab. Valid Values: Y or NULL NOTE: All third party mailings should be done through the Registrar’s Office. |
Home_Address_Line1 | varchar2(35) | First line of home address |
Home_Address_Line2 | varchar2(35) | Second line of home address |
Home_Address_Line3 | varchar2(35) | Third line of home address |
Home_Address_Line4 | varchar2(35) | Fourth line of home address |
Home_Address_City | varchar2(30) | City of home address |
Home_Address_State | varchar2(6) | State of home address |
Home_Address_Zip_Code | varchar2(12) | Zip code of home address |
Home_County_Descr | varchar(30) | Name of home county |
Home_Country_Code | varchar2(3) | Country Code of home address |
Home_Country_Descr | varchar2(30) | Name of home country |
Home_Phone1 | varchar2(24) | Telephone number at applicant’s home address |
Mail_Addr_Line1 | varchar2(35) | First line of mailing address |
Mail_Addr_Line2 | varchar2(35) | Second line of mailing address |
Mail_Addr_Line3 | varchar2(35) | Third line of mailing address |
Mail_Addr_Line4 | varchar2(35) | Fourth line of mailing address |
Mail_Addr_City | varchar2(30) | City of mailing address |
Mail_Addr_State | varchar2(6) | State of mailing address |
Mail_Address_Zip_Code | varchar2(12) | Zip code of mailing address |
Mail_Country_Code | varchar2(3) | Country of mailing address |
Mail_Country_Descr | varchar2(30) | Name of mailing address country |
Mail_Phone1 | varchar2(24) | Telephone number at applicant’s mailing address |
Email_Address | varchar2(70) | Applicant’s e-mail address |
Applic_Recvd_Date | DATE | Date the application arrived in the Admissions Office. |
Applic_Admit_Term | varchar2(4) | The term for which the applicant has applied for admission. |
Admit_Type_Descr | varchar2(30) | Full description of admit type |
Applic_Create_Date | DATE | Date that application was entered into the computer system. |
Primary_Academic_Group | varchar2(5) | School or College Code. Valid values are: ALS College of Agricultural & Life Sciences AMN Officer Education BUS School of Business CIC Committee on Inst Cooperation (inactive) DCS Division of Continuing Studies EDU School of Education EGR College of Engineering HEC School of Human Ecology IES Nelson Institute Environmental Studies L&S College of Letters and Science LAW Law School MED School of Medicine and Public Health NUR School of Nursing PHM School of Pharmacy RGE Research and Graduate Education VET School of Veterinary Medicine |
Applic_Academic_Program | varchar2(5) | The academic program applied for. Formerly known as classification. Examples of valid values are: ART = Art CHE = Chemical Engineering NUR = Nursing Undergraduate |
Applic_Academic_Plan | varchar2(10) | Sub category of the Academic Program applied for. Examples of valid values are: PHD 018 = L&SAfrican Languages & Lit PHD 036 = ALSAgricultural Engineering PHD 054 = ALSAgronomy PHD PHD 065 = ALSAnimal Sciences PHD MFA 248 = EDUDance MFA MA 256 = L&SDevelopment Pol & Pub Admin MA 261 = L&SEconomics MA MS 261 = L&SEconomics MS MS 270 = EDUEducational Administration MS |
Applic_Academic_Level | varchar2(3) | Academic standing as of the application for admission. Valid values are: 00 = Not Set 10 = Freshman 20 = Sophomore 30 = Junior 40 = Senior 50 = Post-Bacc Undergraduate CRT = Certification Special DOC = Doctoral Student GR = Graduate HS = High School Student LAW = Law Student MED = Medical Student NDG = Non-Degree Student P1 = Professional Year 1 P2 = Professional Year 2 P3 = Professional Year 3 P4 = Professional Year 4 SG = Graduate Specials SH = High School Specials SU = Undergraduate Specials VET = Vet-Med Student |
Applic_Program_Status | varchar2(4) | The high level relationship a person has with an academic program. Valid value are: AC = Active in Program AD = Admitted AP = Applicant CM = Completed Program CN = Cancelled DC = Discontinued DE = Deceased DM = Dismissed LA = Leave of Absence PM = Prematriculant SP = Suspended WT = Waitlisted |
Program_Status_Descr | varchar2 (30) | The description of the program status. |
Student_Group | varchar2 (4) | Codes used to track particular student groups to which an applicant belongs. Examples include: PEOP = People Program POSS = POSSE Program |
Student_Group_Descr | varchar2 (10) | The description of the Student Group. |
Applic_Recruiter_ID | varchar2(11) | EmplID of Admissions Recruiter assigned to applicant. |
Recruiter_Name | varchar2(50) | Name of Admissions Recruiter assigned to applicant. |
Advisor_Name | varchar2(50) | The name of the advisor associated with the applicant’s academic plan. |
Advisor_Dept | varchar2(10) | Department of advisor associated with the applicant’s academic plan. |
Applic_Fin_Aid_Interest | varchar2(1) | Indicates if the applicant is interested in receiving Financial Aid information. Initiates action from the Office of Student Financial Services (OSFS). Values are: N = No Y = Yes |
Applic_Fee_Type | varchar2(3) | The type of fee. Valid Values are: INT – International STN – Standard |
Applic_Fee_Paid | number(16,2) | An amount appearing in this column indicates the application fee is paid. |
Applic_Fee_Date | DATE | The date the application fee was paid. |
Applic_Fee_Status | varchar2(3) | The status of the application fee payment. Valid values are: CCP = Credit Card Payment EXP = Exempt from Appl Fee IDP = ID Problem INF = Insufficient Funds-Foreign NSF = Non-Sufficient Funds PEN = Pending PPD = Previously Paid-Still Valid REC = Received RFD = Refund RWA = App Fee Returned Wrong Amt WPD = Waiver Approved/Money ReceivedWA/$ WVD = Waived |
Prev_Institution_Code | varchar2(11) | Last institution attended by the applicant. |
Prev_Inst_Long_Descr | varchar2(50) | Description of the last institution attended by the applicant. |
Cum_Transfer_GPA | number (5,4) | From Spring 2013-14 (Term 1144) forward the value is the cumulative GPA the transfer student earned at the LAST institution attended prior to transferring. Note: For Fall 2013-14 (Term 1142) and before the GPA for transfer students was calculated across ALL transfer institutions |
Cum_Degr_Cred_Trans | number(8,3) | The sum of the unit transfer course, test, and other for a given admit term. |
HS_Code | varchar2(11) | The code for the high school from which the applicant graduated. Only populated if the last school attended was High School (HSC) or Secondary School (SCD). |
HS_Name | varchar2(50) | The name of the high school from which the applicant graduated. |
HS_Rank | number(5,0) | The applicant’s high school rank. This value reflects the most recent rank available. Weighted values are selected over unweighted. Note: The number of schools that report the class rank has steadily declined. |
HS_Class_Size | number(5,0) | The applicant’s high school class size. This value reflects the most recent class size available. Weighted values are selected over unweighted. |
HS_Percentile | number(3,0) | The applicant’s percentile rank based on the high school class size and high school rank shown here. |
HS_GPA | number(6,3) | Beginning with Spring 2011-12 (term 1124) forward the HS_GPA data is not longer provided. As of 1124 the applicant High School GPA is no longer manually converted to a standard 4 point scale. Though GPA data is still collected, it is in the original form as posted on the high school transcript and is in various scale formats, making the intrepretation of the data very difficult. Thus the decision was made to not included the high school GPA data here.
For Fall 2011-12 (term 1122) and before the HS GPA field contains the applicant’s cumulative high school GPA on a 4.0 scale and would reflect the most recent GPA available. Contains null where values are zero. |
HS_Grad_Date | DATE | The date of applicant’s high school graduation |
SAT_Total | number(6) | The applicant’s highest SAT composite score. |
SAT_Test_Date | DATE | The date of the SAT test. |
SAT_Verbal | number(6) | Applicant’s test score for the VERBAL portion of SAT test. |
SAT_Math | number(6) | Applicant’s test score for MATH portion of SAT test. |
ACT_Comp_Score | Number(6.2) | The applicant’s highest ACT composite score. |
ACT_Test_Date | DATE | The date of the ACT test. |
ACT_ENGL | number(6,2) | The applicant’s test score for the ENGL portion of the ACT test. |
ACT_MATH | number(6,2) | The applicant’s test score for the MATH portion of the ACT test. |
ACT_READ | number(6,2) | The applicant’s test score for the READ portion of the ACT test. |
ACT_SCIRE | number(6,2) | The applicant’s test score for the SCIRE portion of the ACT test. |
TOEFL_Comp_Score | number(6,2) | The applicant’s highest composite score on the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL). |
TOEFL_Test_Date | DATE | The date of the TOEFL test. |
TOEFL_Essay | number(6,2) | The applicant’s test score for the Essay portion of the TOEFL test. |
TOEFL_L_Listening | number(6,2) | The applicant’s test score for the Listening portion of the TOEFL test. |
TOEFL_R_Reading | number(6,2) | The applicant’s test score for the Reading portion of the TOEFL test. |
TOEFL_TSE_Spoken English | number(6,2) | The applicant’s test score for the Test of Spoken English portion of the TOEFL test. |
TOEFL_TWE _Written_English | number(6,2) | The applicant’s test score for the Test of Written English portion of the TOEFL test. |
TOEFL_W_Structure_Writing | number(6,2) | The applicant’s test score for the structure /writing portion of the TOEFL test. |
HS_English_Units | number(5,2) | As of Summer 2012 (term 1126) the field has no values because the information is no longer being collected.
Prior to 1126 the value refelects the number of high school units of English the applicant completed. |
HS_For_Lang1_Units | number(5,2) | The number of high school units of a foreign language the applicant completed. |
HS_For_Lang2_Units | number(5,2) | The number of high school units of a second foreign language the applicant completed. |
HS_For_Lang3_Units | number(5,2) | The number of high school units of a third foreign language the applicant completed. |
HS_Algebra_Units | number(5,2) | The number of high school units of algebra the applicant completed. |
HS_Geometry_Units | number(5,2) | The number of high school units of geometry the applicant completed. |
HS_Other_Science_Units | number(5,2) | As of Summer 2012 (term 1126) the field has no values because the information is no longer being collected.
Prior to 1126 the value refelects the number of high school units of science other than biology, chemistry, and physics the applicant completed. |
HS_Other_Math_Units | number(5,2) | The number of high school math units other than algebra and geometry the applicant completed. |
HS_Biology_Units | number(5,2) | As of Summer 2012 (term 1126) the field has no values because the information is no longer being collected.
Prior to 1126 the value refelects the number of high school units of biology the applicant completed. |
HS_Chemistry_Units | number(5,2) | As of Summer 2012 (term 1126) the field has no values because the information is no longer being collected.
Prior to 1126 the value refelects the number of high school units of chemistry the applicant completed. |
HS_Physics_Units | number(5,2) | As of Summer 2012 (term 1126) the field has no values because the information is no longer being collected.
Prior to 1126 the value refelects the number of high school units of physics the applicant completed. |
HS_Social_Studies_Units | number(5,2) | As of Summer 2012 (term 1126) the field has no values because the information is no longer being collected.
Prior to 1126 the value refelects the number of high school units of social studies the applicant completed. |
HS_Other_Acad_Units | number(5,2) | As of Summer 2012 (term 1126) the field has no values because the information is no longer being collected.
Prior to 1126 the value refelects the number of high school academic units the applicant completed not included in any other category. |
HS_Total_Acad_Units | number(5,2) | As of Summer 2012 (term 1126) the field has no values because the information is no longer being collected.
Prior to 1126 the value refelects the total number of high school units of the applicant completed.. |
HS_Total_Nonacad_Units | number(5,2) | As of Summer 2012 (term 1126) the field has no values because the information is no longer being collected.
Prior to 1126 the value refelects the number of high school non-academic units the applicant completed. |
HS_Total_Units | number(5,2) | As of Summer 2012 (term 1126) the field has no values because the information is no longer being collected.
Prior to 1126 the value refelects the total number of high school units of the applicant completed. |
Program_Action | varchar2(4) | The application decision. Valid values are: ADMT = Admit ADRV = Admission Revocation APPL = Application COND = Conditional Admit DATA = Data Change DDEF = Defer Decision DEFR = Defer Enrollment DEIN = Intention to Matriculate DENY = Deny MATR = Matriculation PLNC = Plan Change PRGC = Program Change RAPP = Readmit Application RECN = Reconsideration WADM = Administrative Withdrawal WAIT = Waitlist WAOF = Waitlist Offer WAPP = Applicant Withdrawal |
Program_Action_Date | DATE | The date the application action was taken |
Program_Action_Descr | varchar2(30) | Description of Program Action. |
Program_Reason | varchar2(4) | Supporting reason for application action taken. Examples are: U10 = Frshmn Automated Decision U01 = Complete – 2-4 Weeks U20 = Postpone U40 = Less Than 24 Credits |
Program_Reason_Descr | varchar2(30) | Full description of Program Reason |
Extract_Date_Time | DATE | The date and time these data were extracted. |