This view contains information about all governance approved departments (known as academic organizations in the source system, SIS).

Each department’s division owner (academic group in the SIS source system) and related fields are also included.

The view is term-based meaning there is a row for each department code (active and inactive) that existed at the start of the term selected.

Updated nightly.
Academic Planning and Institutional Research
Contact: Michelle Young
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Phone: 264-HELP (4357)
05/2021 – New view created.
Primary Key Columns are identified with an asterisk(*)
Alphanumeric Data
VARCHAR2( N) (N) = maximum length. Field contains letters and/or numbers. Trailing blanks are eliminated.
Example: VARCHAR2 (5) could contain ‘ABC12’ or ‘ABC’ or ‘A’
Numeric Data
NUMBER (N) (N) = length. Field contains only numbers.
NUMBER (X,Y) = format for numbers with decimal positions.
X = total number of digits
Y = the number of digits after the decimal
Examples: NUMBER (6) represents 250012 NUMBER (6,2) represents 2500.12
DATE – Date can be in various formats. Date functions available with your query tool can be used to format the date.
View Column Name Format Description
TERM VARCHAR2 (4 Char)  A four-digit Student Information System (SIS) numeric representation for the academic term. It is derived as follows:
Character 1 = Century (0 = 1900 and 1 = 2000)
Character 2 & 3 = Academic Year (i.e. 2018-19 would be ’19’)
Character 4 = Term ( 2=Fall, 4=Spring and 6=Summer)
TERM_DESCR VARCHAR2 (30 Char) Description of the Term (i.e. Fall 2018-2019)
DEPARTMENT VARCHAR2 (10 Char) The SIS code of the department that has been approved through governance to be the a home of a program, subject or tenured faculty.
DEPARTMENT_STATUS VARCHAR2 (1 Char) The status of the department as of the effective date. An active value means the department is available for use as a home of a program, subject or tenured faculty as of the effective date.
A = Active
I = Inactive
DEPARTMENT_DESCR VARCHAR2 (30 Char) The officially approved description of the owner of the plan.
DEPARTMENT_UDDS VARCHAR2 (10 Char) The budgetary code (UDD or UD) representing the academic owner of the plan.
DEPARTMENT_FORMAL_DESCR VARCHAR2 (50 Char) An abbreviated name for the owner of the plan used in data systems where space is limited.
DEPARTMENT_TENURE_INDICATOR VARCHAR2 (1 Char) An indicator of whether the department or department-like unit is eligible to serve as a faculty tenure home (and thus have structures to support faculty/shared governance).
Y = approved to be a faculty tenure home
N = not approved to be a faculty tenure home
Null = attribute was not assigned because the department was inactive at the time of implementation of the academic structure.
DEPARTMENT_RECOGNITION VARCHAR2 (1 Char) An indicator of the faculty-approved status of the academic organization. Department recognition has three values to distinguish the authority of different types of academic organizations.
D = Department. An academic organization recognized as a department and tenure home, approved as such by UAPC, University Committee, Faculty Senate per FPP Ch 5. In some cases the school/college/division serves as the department.
L = Department-Like Academic Unit with Tenure. An academic organization that has department-like status and serves as a faculty tenure home, sometimes with restrictions. Approved as such by UAPC, University Committee.
N = An academic organization that that serves as an academic home for an academic program or curricular subject listing but is not approved to serve as a faculty tenure home. Approved as such by the University Academic Planning Council.
DEPARTMENT_DISCIPLINARY_DIV VARCHAR2 (3 Char) Assigned based on the disciplinary division of the faculty that are tenured in the department. A value would only be assigned to those departments that have tenured faculty.
BIO = Biological Sciences
HUM = Arts and Humanities
PHY = Physical Sciences
SOC = Social Sciences
DEPARTMENT_NSF_DISC_INDICATOR VARCHAR2 (1 Char) Identifies STEM academic organizations according to the definition provided by the National Science Foundation.
Y = this is a STEM academic organization
DIVISION VARCHAR2 (5 Char) An academic group of the University, defined in Faculty Policies & Procedures Chapter 3 and led by a dean or director who reports to the provost, that serves as a school, college or like unit. Each academic program code has an academic division assigned.
AMN = Officer Education
ALS = College of Agricultural & Life Sciences
DCS = Division of Continuing Studies
EDU = School of Education
MSN = University of Wisconsin – Madison
BUS = School of Business
LAW = Law School
NUR = School of Nursing
HEC = School of Human Ecology
IES = Institute for Environmental Studies
PHM = School of Pharmacy
RGE = Research & Graduate Education
EGR = College of Engineering
L&S = College of Letters and Science
MED = School of Medicine & Public Health
VET = School of Veterinary Medicine
DIVISION_STATUS VARCHAR2 (1 Char) The status of the division as of the effective date. An active value means the division is available for use as of the effective date.
A = Active
I = Inactive
DIVISION_DESCR VARCHAR2 (30 Char) The faculty senate-approved name of the school, college or like unit.
DIVISION_SHORT_DESCR VARCHAR2 (10 Char) A short, 10 character name for the school, college or like unit.
DIVISON_ACAD_OWNER_INDICATOR VARCHAR2 (1 Char) An indicator of whether the division is eligible to serve as the academic home for an academic program (degree/major, certificate) or a curricular subject listing or houses one or more academic department that is an academic home to programs or subjects. The status of an academic group as academic owner is established through the faculty/shared governance approval process.
Yes = division is eligible to serve as an academic home
No = division is not eligible to serve as an academic home
Null = attribute was not assigned because the academic group was inactive at the time of implementation of the academic structure.
DIVSION_TENURE_HOME_INDICATOR VARCHAR2 (1 Char) An indicator of whether the division is eligible to serve as a faculty tenure home, or has departments within the same division that serve as faculty tenure homes (and thus have structures to support faculty/shared governance).
Yes = division is eligible to serve as a tenure home
No = division is not eligible to serve as a tenure home
Null = attribute was not assigned because the division was inactive at the time of implementation of the academic structure.
ETL_UPDATE_DT DATE The date the record in the warehouse was last updated.