- This data view contains all enrolled students that had a course as of the official census date (the 10th day) of the term. Demographic data is as of the date of the extract. This is a companion view to FROZEN_ENROLLMENT_PLAN and FROZEN_ENROLLMENT_SUBPLAN views.
- Spring and Fall data will be refreshed on or about the end of the seventh week of classes. Summer Session’s data will be refreshed the end of August.
- Office of the Registrar
Contact: Phillip Hull - AUTHORIZATION
- You must receive approval to access data from the data custodian. For information about how to get authorized for InfoAccess data views, connect to the InfoAccess Home Page
CONSIDERATIONS - A new Citizen_Status (PS_CITIZENSHIP) code of 7 has recently been implemented to identify undocumented student. The impact of this addition on existing data views varies by data view. Until a policy decision is made about whether or not these applicants/students should be counted as citizens or non-citizens, fields that aggregate Citizen_Status and/or are derived from Citizen_Status should be used cautiously. These fields include, but may not be limited to: Citizenship, Citizen_Ind, Diversity, Targeted_Minority, Country_Citizenship_Code, Ethnic_Group, Home_Country, and Minority. Note that not all of these fields exist on all data views.
- Contact: Division of Information Technology Help Desk
Phone: 264-HELP (4357) - LAST UPDATED
- 12/2000 New data view.
9/2003 Corrected definitions of fields Citizen, Ethnic_Group, Diversity, and Diversity_Subgroup.
3/2004 Added a warning about Citizen Status to the Special Considerations section.
9/2005 Added High School Code c4j
3/2008 Changed to refresh at the end of the 7th week instead of 10 day
10/2014 Added Ethnic Reporting Category s8w
11/2014 Preferred name policy s8w
04/2020 Starting with Fall 2020-21 (Term 1212) the following fields will no longer be populated:
Ethnic_Group_Descr - 12/2024 Updated legal sex values
- Primary Key Columns are identified with an asterisk (*)
Char – Character data
Number- Numeric fields will be null if no data is available.Date – This data type allows the date to be represented in various formats and date related functions to be used against the field. The formats(i.e. 19980203, 10-jun-98) and functions available vary based on your query tool.
Column Name | Format | Description |
TERM | CHAR 4 | Term for which student registered. The term code is derived as follows: The first number is the century, 0=1900 and 1=2000, the second and third numbers are the year, the last number is the term, 2=Fall, 4=Spring and 6=Summer. For Example, Fall 1998-99 would be 0992 and Summer 1998-99 would be 0996. |
EMPLID | CHAR 10 | The EMPLID is generated by the ISIS system. It is a unique identifier for a student and will never be changed throughout the individual’s relationship with the University. This is not the same as Campus_ID. Only 10 characters are in use. |
CAMPUS_ID | CHAR 10 | ID number assigned to ISIS to be used by student (formerly Student ID) Only 10 characters are in use. |
NAME | CHAR 50 | The Student’s Preferred name (last,first and middle, no space between last,first), starting in term 1142. Prior to the fall of 2014 it shows the primary/legal name. |
AGE | CHAR 2 | Age is calculated based on the first day of instruction for each term. |
ACAD_GROUP | CHAR 5 | School or College Code. Descriptive names can be retrieved by joining to the data view UW.ACADEMIC_GROUP_CODES. Valid values are: ALS = Agricultural and Life BUS = School of Business DCS = Division of Continuing Studies EDU = School of Education EGR = College of Engineering IES = Institute for Environmental L&S = College of Letters & Science LAW = School of Law MED = School of Medicine NUR = School of Nursing PHM = School of Pharmacy VET = School of Veterinary Medicine CIC = Committee on Inst Cooperation HEC = School of Human Ecology |
CAREER_TYPE | CHAR 1 | U = Undergraduate Students (UGRD) G = Graduate Students (GRAD) P = Professional Students (MEDS,VMED,PHAR,LAW) S = University Special Students (USPC,UGST) Note: College specials now under U,G, or P instead of S. |
CAREER | CHAR 4 | UGRD = Undergraduate GRAD = Graduate VMED = Veterinary Medicine Professional LAW = Law Professional MEDS = Medical Professional PHAR = Pharmacy Professional USPC = University Special Students UGST = University Guest Students (discontinued Fall 1999) |
ACAD_PROGRAM | CHAR 5 | Academic Program was formerly known as classification. BA or MED are examples of an academic program. |
GRAD_PROGRAM_TYPE | CHAR 1 | M = Master’s Candidate P = PhD Candidate |
ACAD_LEVEL | CHAR 3 | Academic standing. Valid values are: 00 = Not Set 05 = Spcl, Guest 10 = Freshman 20 = Sophomore 30 = Junior 40 = Senior CRT = Certification Special (discontinued) GR = Graduate NDG = Non-Degree Student (discontinued Fall 1999) P1 = Professional Year 1 P2 = Professional Year 2 P3 = Professional Year 3 P4 = Professional Year 4 SH = High School Specials (discontinued Fall 1999) |
ADMIT_TYPE | CHAR 3 | A code indicating the type of admission. CNT = Continuing FYR = First Year Student (New Freshmen) NEW = New Student RAD = Readmit RET = Returning TR = Transfer |
GENDER | CHAR 1 | Student’s legal sex, if indicated. F = Female M = Male X = Another Legal Sex U = Unknown |
CREDIT_TOTAL | NUMBER 2 | Term Credit load |
FULL_TIME | CHAR 1 | FULL_TIME F = Full-Time P = Part-Time |
CITIZEN | CHAR 1 | Indicates whether a student is a US citizen (citizen_status = 1 or 2). Values are: Y = US Citizen N = Not a US Citizen U = Unknown (citizen_status = N) |
VISA_PERMIT_TYPE | CHAR 3 | Identifies the type of entry into this country granted to the student. A-1 = Ambassadors Public Ministers A-2 = Other Foreign Gov’t Official A-3 = Attendants Servants of A-1/A-2 AR1 = Alien Registration Discontinued End of all 2000) B-1 = Temporary Visitor Business B-2 = Temporary Visitor for Pleasure B12 = Temp Vis Business/Pleasure C-1 = Alien Immed Transit Through US C-2 = Alien Transit to US Headquarter C-3 = For Govt Off Imed Fam in Trans D = Alien Crewman E-1 = Aliens Imm Fam Treaty in Bus E-2 = Treaty Investor Spouse & Child F-1 = Student in Academ or Lang Prog F-2 = Spouse child of Std in Aca/Lan G-1 = Princpal Rep of Rec for Mem G G-2 = Other Reps of Rec for Mem Govt G-3 = Reps of Nonrecognized for Govt G-4 = Internat Organ Officer & Famil G-5 = Attendant/Serv/Emp of G1,2,3,4 H1A = Aliens Non Registered Nurse H1B = Temp Worker of Disting Ability H2A = Alien Temp Agricultural Labor H2B = Alien Temp Non-Agriculture Lab H3 = Trainee Residency Other Countr H4 = Spouse/Child of Alien H1,2,3 I = Foreign Info Media Rep&Family IMM = Immigrant (Discontinued End of Fall 2000) J-1 = Exchange Visitor J-2 = Spouse/Child of Exch Visitor K-1 = Fiance of US Citizen K-2 = Minor Child of K-1 L-1 = Intra-Company Transferee L-2 = Spouse or Child of L-1 M-1 = Vocational/Nonacademic Student M-2 = Spouse/Minor of M-1 N-8 = ParofAlienAcrded SpeclmmiStat N-9 = Minor of N-8 N3 = Staff and Family of NATO1,2 N4 = Non NATO 1 Officials NT1 = Principal Rep to NATO NT2 = Other Reps & Dep of NATO NT5 = Experts Employed by NATO NT6 = Civilian Employed by Allies NT7 = Attendants/Servants of NATO1-6 O-1 = Aliens Extraordinary Ability O-2 = Workers Who Assist O-1 O-3 = Family Members of O1 & O2 PR = Permanent Resident (Discontinued End of Fall 2000) P-1 = Alien Athlete or Entertainer P-2 = Artist/EntertainerinExchgProgr P-3 = Artist/EntertainerinCultUniqPr P-4 = Family of P1,2,3 Q-1 = Alien 15 Month Exchange Prog R-1 = Alien Religious NonProfit Org R-2 = Spouse of Child of R-1 RF = Refugee (Discontinued End of Fall 2000) T-D = Dependents of TN Professional TN = NAFTA Professional |
COUNTRY_OF_CITIZENSHIP | CHAR 30 | Country of citizenship. |
RESIDENT_STATUS | CHAR 1 | Y = Wisconsin Resident N = Non Resident U = Unknown |
HOME_ADDRESS_LOC_CODE | CHAR 1 | 1 = County 2 = State, U.S.-Territory 3 = Foreign Country |
HOME_ADDRESS_LOCATION | CHAR 30 | If the address is within Wisconsin the field will be set to the COUNTY name. If the address is within the U.S. or a U.S. Territory, but not in Wisconsin, the field will be set to the STATE name. If the address is not within the U.S. this field will be set to the COUNTRY name. |
DIVERSITY | CHAR 1 | Starting with Fall 2020-21 (Term 1212) this field will no longer be populated.
A computed field combining a student’s (or applicant’s) Ethnic_Group and Citizen_Status. The resulting codes help identify students (or applicants) who may be eligible for Federal, State or campus diversity initiatives and programs. US Citizens, permanent residents, and refugees (Citizen_Status = 1, 2, 3, or 6) are grouped by their Ethnic_Group. International students (Citizen_Status = 4 or 5), regardless of Ethnic_Group, are put in their own group. |
DIVERSITY_SUBGROUP | CHAR 1 | Starting with Fall 2020-21 (Term 1212) this field will no longer be populated.
A student who is a US Citizen, permanent resident or refugee of Laotian, Cambodian, or Vietnamese heritage and came to the US prior to the end of the Vietnam war or is descended from such a person. Used to identify Southeast Asian students for campus diversity initiatives. |
ETHNIC_GROUP | CHAR 1 | Starting with Fall 2020-21 (Term 1212) this field will no longer be populated.
A student’s self-reported race/ethnicity. |
ETHNIC_GROUP_DESCR | CHAR 30 | Starting with Fall 2020-21 (Term 1212) this field will no longer be populated.
Description of Ethnic Group Code: |
ETHNIC_REPORTING_CATEGORY | Varchar2(15) | The student’s race/ethnicity as based on federal Department of Education reporting standards. International: International students, regardless of race. International students have citizenship status values of 4 or 5. Hispanic: Non-international students who reported Hispanic ethnicity, regardless of other races reported. 2 or more races: Non-international, non-Hispanic students who reported at least 2 different racial identities. White: Non-international, non-Hispanic students who reported White as their sole racial identity. Black: Non-international, non-Hispanic students who reported Black/African American as their sole racial identity. Asian: Non-international, non-Hispanic students who reported Asian as their sole racial identity. American Indian: Non-international, non-Hispanic students who reported American Indian as their sole racial identity. Hawaiian: Non-international, non-Hispanic students who reported Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander as their sole racial identity. Unknown: Non-international students who did not report any racial or ethnic identity. |
ACAD_ADVANCE_PROG | CHAR 1 | Indicates a student is in the Academic Advancement Program administered by the College of Letters of Science. Y = Yes |
COLL_ADM_FROM | CHAR 30 | Only displayed for students with an ADMIT_TYPE of TRF (Transfer) for the current term. |
HIGH_SCHOOL_CODE | Varchar2(11) | The code for the high school from which the applicant graduated. Only displayed for students with an ADMIT_TYPE of FYR (New Freshmen) for the terms 1092 or greater. The field will be blank for terms less than 1092. |
HIGH_SCHOOL_NAME | CHAR 30 | Only displayed for students with an ADMIT_TYPE of FYR (New Freshmen) for the current term. |
HIGH_SCHOOL_CITY | CHAR 30 | Only displayed for students with an ADMIT_TYPE of FYR (New Freshmen) for the current term. |
HIGH_SCHOOL_PERCENTILE | NUMBER 4 | Only displayed for students with an ADMIT_TYPE of FYR (New Freshmen) for the current term. |
VETERAN | CHAR 1 | Data is self reported and not verified. Y = Yes |
WITHDREW | CHAR 1 | Indicates if a student has withdrawn. ‘Y’ = withdrawn |
WITHDREW_REASON | CHAR 4 | Reason a student has withdrawn. Valid Values are: BADC Bad Check CANC Course Cancelled DECD Deceased DROP Stdt Dropped Courses MEDI Medical MILT Military Service MISC Miscellaneous NPAY Non-Payment of Fees PERS Personal RESI Residency Denied RETR Retroactive SCHC Scholastic WBTT Withdraw by Touchtone |
DECEASED | CHAR 1 | Y = Deceased |
DEGREE_EXPECTED | CHAR 1 | Indicates the student is expecting a degree or planning to attend commencement in the current term. Y = Yes, Graduating C = Not graduating, but planning to attend commencement |
GPA_CUM | CHAR 9 | Values are displayed for students with CAREER of UGRD and a ACAD_LEVEL of 10, 20, 30 or 40. Graduate students (career=GRAD) will display this information for term 1036 on. |
CREDITS_CUM_GPA | NUMBER 3 | Values are displayed for students with CAREER of UGRD and a ACAD_LEVEL of 10, 20, 30 or 40. Graduate students (career=GRAD) will display this information for term 1036 on. |
GRADE_POINTS_CUM_GPA | NUMBER 4.1 | Values are displayed for students with CAREER of UGRD and a ACAD_LEVEL of 10, 20, 30 or 40. Graduate students (career=GRAD) will display this information for term 1036 on. |
CREDIT_CUM_DEGREE | CHAR 3 | Values are displayed for students with CAREER of UGRD and a ACAD_LEVEL of 10, 20, 30 or 40. Graduate students (career=GRAD) will display this information for term 1036 on. |
YEAR_ABROAD | CHAR 10 | Abbreviation of the student’s year abroad program. |
RMDL_MATH | CHAR 1 | Y = Remedial mathmatics needed. |
RMDL_ENGL | CHAR 1 | Y = Remedial english needed. |
FINANCIAL_AID | CHAR 1 | Y = Financial aids received. |
TEAM_CODE | CHAR 5 | Table can be linked to UW_SPORT_TEAM_CODES for long descriptors. |
SPORT_CODE | CHAR 3 | Table can be linked to UW_SPORT_TEAM_CODES for long descriptors. |
EXTRACT_DATE_TIME | Date | The System generated date when the data was last refreshed. Format: mm/dd/ccyy. |