This data view contains all enrolled students that had a course as of the official census date (the 10th day) of the term. Demographic data is as of the date of the extract. This is a companion view to FROZEN_ENROLLMENT_PLAN and FROZEN_ENROLLMENT_SUBPLAN views.
Spring and Fall data will be refreshed on or about the end of the seventh week of classes. Summer Session’s data will be refreshed the end of August.
Office of the Registrar
Contact: Phillip Hull
You must receive approval to access data from the data custodian. For information about how to get authorized for InfoAccess data views, connect to the InfoAccess Home Page
A new Citizen_Status (PS_CITIZENSHIP) code of 7 has recently been implemented to identify undocumented student. The impact of this addition on existing data views varies by data view. Until a policy decision is made about whether or not these applicants/students should be counted as citizens or non-citizens, fields that aggregate Citizen_Status and/or are derived from Citizen_Status should be used cautiously. These fields include, but may not be limited to: Citizenship, Citizen_Ind, Diversity, Targeted_Minority, Country_Citizenship_Code, Ethnic_Group, Home_Country, and Minority. Note that not all of these fields exist on all data views.
Contact: Division of Information Technology Help Desk
Phone: 264-HELP (4357)
12/2000 New data view.
9/2003 Corrected definitions of fields Citizen, Ethnic_Group, Diversity, and Diversity_Subgroup.
3/2004 Added a warning about Citizen Status to the Special Considerations section.
9/2005 Added High School Code c4j
3/2008 Changed to refresh at the end of the 7th week instead of 10 day
10/2014 Added Ethnic Reporting Category s8w
11/2014 Preferred name policy s8w
04/2020 Starting with Fall 2020-21 (Term 1212) the following fields will no longer be populated:
12/2024 Updated legal sex values
Primary Key Columns are identified with an asterisk (*)
Char – Character data
Number- Numeric fields will be null if no data is available.Date – This data type allows the date to be represented in various formats and date related functions to be used against the field. The formats(i.e. 19980203, 10-jun-98) and functions available vary based on your query tool.
Column Name Format Description
TERM CHAR 4 Term for which student registered. The term code is derived as follows: The first number is the century, 0=1900 and 1=2000, the second and third numbers are the year, the last number is the term, 2=Fall, 4=Spring and 6=Summer. For Example, Fall 1998-99 would be 0992 and Summer 1998-99 would be 0996.
EMPLID CHAR 10 The EMPLID is generated by the ISIS system. It is a unique identifier for a student and will never be changed throughout the individual’s relationship with the University. This is not the same as Campus_ID. Only 10 characters are in use.
CAMPUS_ID CHAR 10 ID number assigned to ISIS to be used by student (formerly Student ID) Only 10 characters are in use.
NAME CHAR 50 The Student’s Preferred name (last,first and middle, no space between last,first), starting in term 1142. Prior to the fall of 2014 it shows the primary/legal name.
AGE CHAR 2 Age is calculated based on the first day of instruction for each term.
ACAD_GROUP CHAR 5 School or College Code. Descriptive names can be retrieved by joining to the data view UW.ACADEMIC_GROUP_CODES.
Valid values are:
ALS = Agricultural and Life
BUS = School of Business
DCS = Division of Continuing Studies
EDU = School of Education
EGR = College of Engineering
IES = Institute for Environmental
L&S = College of Letters & Science
LAW = School of Law
MED = School of Medicine
NUR = School of Nursing
PHM = School of Pharmacy
VET = School of Veterinary Medicine
CIC = Committee on Inst Cooperation
HEC = School of Human Ecology
CAREER_TYPE CHAR 1 U = Undergraduate Students (UGRD)
G = Graduate Students (GRAD)
P = Professional Students (MEDS,VMED,PHAR,LAW)
S = University Special Students (USPC,UGST)
Note: College specials now under U,G, or P instead of S.
CAREER CHAR 4 UGRD = Undergraduate
GRAD = Graduate
VMED = Veterinary Medicine Professional
LAW = Law Professional
MEDS = Medical Professional
PHAR = Pharmacy Professional
USPC = University Special Students
UGST = University Guest Students (discontinued Fall 1999)
ACAD_PROGRAM CHAR 5 Academic Program was formerly known as classification. BA or MED are examples of an academic program.
GRAD_PROGRAM_TYPE CHAR 1 M = Master’s Candidate
P = PhD Candidate
ACAD_LEVEL CHAR 3 Academic standing.
Valid values are:
00 = Not Set
05 = Spcl, Guest
10 = Freshman
20 = Sophomore
30 = Junior
40 = Senior
CRT = Certification Special (discontinued)
GR = Graduate
NDG = Non-Degree Student (discontinued Fall 1999)
P1 = Professional Year 1
P2 = Professional Year 2
P3 = Professional Year 3
P4 = Professional Year 4
SH = High School Specials (discontinued Fall 1999)
ADMIT_TYPE CHAR 3 A code indicating the type of admission.
CNT = Continuing
FYR = First Year Student (New Freshmen)
NEW = New Student
RAD = Readmit
RET = Returning
TR = Transfer
GENDER CHAR 1 Student’s legal sex, if indicated.
F = Female
M = Male
X = Another Legal Sex
U = Unknown
CREDIT_TOTAL NUMBER 2 Term Credit load
F = Full-Time
P = Part-Time
CITIZEN CHAR 1 Indicates whether a student is a US citizen (citizen_status = 1 or 2).
Values are:
Y = US Citizen
N = Not a US Citizen
U = Unknown (citizen_status = N)
VISA_PERMIT_TYPE CHAR 3 Identifies the type of entry into this country granted to the student.
A-1 = Ambassadors Public Ministers
A-2 = Other Foreign Gov’t Official
A-3 = Attendants Servants of A-1/A-2
AR1 = Alien Registration Discontinued End of all 2000)
B-1 = Temporary Visitor Business
B-2 = Temporary Visitor for Pleasure
B12 = Temp Vis Business/Pleasure
C-1 = Alien Immed Transit Through US
C-2 = Alien Transit to US Headquarter
C-3 = For Govt Off Imed Fam in Trans
D = Alien Crewman
E-1 = Aliens Imm Fam Treaty in Bus
E-2 = Treaty Investor Spouse & Child
F-1 = Student in Academ or Lang Prog
F-2 = Spouse child of Std in Aca/Lan
G-1 = Princpal Rep of Rec for Mem G
G-2 = Other Reps of Rec for Mem Govt
G-3 = Reps of Nonrecognized for Govt
G-4 = Internat Organ Officer & Famil
G-5 = Attendant/Serv/Emp of G1,2,3,4
H1A = Aliens Non Registered Nurse
H1B = Temp Worker of Disting Ability
H2A = Alien Temp Agricultural Labor
H2B = Alien Temp Non-Agriculture Lab
H3 = Trainee Residency Other Countr
H4 = Spouse/Child of Alien H1,2,3
I = Foreign Info Media Rep&Family
IMM = Immigrant (Discontinued End of Fall 2000)
J-1 = Exchange Visitor
J-2 = Spouse/Child of Exch Visitor
K-1 = Fiance of US Citizen
K-2 = Minor Child of K-1
L-1 = Intra-Company Transferee
L-2 = Spouse or Child of L-1
M-1 = Vocational/Nonacademic Student
M-2 = Spouse/Minor of M-1
N-8 = ParofAlienAcrded SpeclmmiStat
N-9 = Minor of N-8
N3 = Staff and Family of NATO1,2
N4 = Non NATO 1 Officials
NT1 = Principal Rep to NATO
NT2 = Other Reps & Dep of NATO
NT5 = Experts Employed by NATO
NT6 = Civilian Employed by Allies
NT7 = Attendants/Servants of NATO1-6
O-1 = Aliens Extraordinary Ability
O-2 = Workers Who Assist O-1
O-3 = Family Members of O1 & O2
PR = Permanent Resident (Discontinued End of Fall 2000)
P-1 = Alien Athlete or Entertainer
P-2 = Artist/EntertainerinExchgProgr
P-3 = Artist/EntertainerinCultUniqPr
P-4 = Family of P1,2,3
Q-1 = Alien 15 Month Exchange Prog
R-1 = Alien Religious NonProfit Org
R-2 = Spouse of Child of R-1
RF = Refugee (Discontinued End of Fall 2000)
T-D = Dependents of TN Professional
TN = NAFTA Professional
COUNTRY_OF_CITIZENSHIP CHAR 30 Country of citizenship.
RESIDENT_STATUS CHAR 1 Y = Wisconsin Resident
N = Non Resident
U = Unknown
2 = State, U.S.-Territory
3 = Foreign Country
HOME_ADDRESS_LOCATION CHAR 30 If the address is within Wisconsin the field will be set to the COUNTY name. If the address is within the U.S. or a U.S. Territory, but not in Wisconsin, the field will be set to the STATE name. If the address is not within the U.S. this field will be set to the COUNTRY name.
DIVERSITY CHAR 1 Starting with Fall 2020-21 (Term 1212) this field will no longer be populated.

A computed field combining a student’s (or applicant’s) Ethnic_Group and Citizen_Status. The resulting codes help identify students (or applicants) who may be eligible for Federal, State or campus diversity initiatives and programs. US Citizens, permanent residents, and refugees (Citizen_Status = 1, 2, 3, or 6) are grouped by their Ethnic_Group. International students (Citizen_Status = 4 or 5), regardless of Ethnic_Group, are put in their own group.
Valid values are:
1 = White
2 = Black
3 = Hispanic
4 = Asian/Pacific Islander
5 = American Indian/Alaskan Native
U = Unknown
F = International student

DIVERSITY_SUBGROUP CHAR 1 Starting with Fall 2020-21 (Term 1212) this field will no longer be populated.

A student who is a US Citizen, permanent resident or refugee of Laotian, Cambodian, or Vietnamese heritage and came to the US prior to the end of the Vietnam war or is descended from such a person. Used to identify Southeast Asian students for campus diversity initiatives.
Vallid value:

ETHNIC_GROUP CHAR 1 Starting with Fall 2020-21 (Term 1212) this field will no longer be populated.

A student’s self-reported race/ethnicity.
Valid values are:
1 = White
2 = Black
3 = Hispanic
4 = Asian/Pacific Islander
5 = American Indian/Alaskan Native
6 = Unknown

ETHNIC_GROUP_DESCR CHAR 30 Starting with Fall 2020-21 (Term 1212) this field will no longer be populated.

Description of Ethnic Group Code:
Asian/Pacific Islander
American Indian/Alaskan Native

ETHNIC_REPORTING_CATEGORY Varchar2(15) The student’s race/ethnicity as based on federal Department of Education reporting standards.
International: International students, regardless of race. International students have citizenship status values of 4 or 5.
Hispanic: Non-international students who reported Hispanic ethnicity, regardless of other races reported.
2 or more races: Non-international, non-Hispanic students who reported at least 2 different racial identities.
White: Non-international, non-Hispanic students who reported White as their sole racial identity.
Black: Non-international, non-Hispanic students who reported Black/African American as their sole racial identity.
Asian: Non-international, non-Hispanic students who reported Asian as their sole racial identity.
American Indian: Non-international, non-Hispanic students who reported American Indian as their sole racial identity.
Hawaiian: Non-international, non-Hispanic students who reported Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander as their sole racial identity.
Unknown: Non-international students who did not report any racial or ethnic identity.
ACAD_ADVANCE_PROG CHAR 1 Indicates a student is in the Academic Advancement Program administered by the College of Letters of Science.
Y = Yes
COLL_ADM_FROM CHAR 30 Only displayed for students with an ADMIT_TYPE of TRF (Transfer) for the current term.
HIGH_SCHOOL_CODE Varchar2(11) The code for the high school from which the applicant graduated. Only displayed for students with an ADMIT_TYPE of FYR (New Freshmen) for the terms 1092 or greater. The field will be blank for terms less than 1092.
HIGH_SCHOOL_NAME CHAR 30 Only displayed for students with an ADMIT_TYPE of FYR (New Freshmen) for the current term.
HIGH_SCHOOL_CITY CHAR 30 Only displayed for students with an ADMIT_TYPE of FYR (New Freshmen) for the current term.
HIGH_SCHOOL_PERCENTILE NUMBER 4 Only displayed for students with an ADMIT_TYPE of FYR (New Freshmen) for the current term.
VETERAN CHAR 1 Data is self reported and not verified.
Y = Yes
WITHDREW CHAR 1 Indicates if a student has withdrawn.
‘Y’ = withdrawn
WITHDREW_REASON CHAR 4 Reason a student has withdrawn.
Valid Values are:
BADC Bad Check
CANC Course Cancelled
DECD Deceased
DROP Stdt Dropped Courses
MEDI Medical
MILT Military Service
MISC Miscellaneous
NPAY Non-Payment of Fees
PERS Personal
RESI Residency Denied
RETR Retroactive
SCHC Scholastic
WBTT Withdraw by Touchtone
DECEASED CHAR 1 Y = Deceased
DEGREE_EXPECTED CHAR 1 Indicates the student is expecting a degree or planning to attend commencement in the current term.
Y = Yes, Graduating
C = Not graduating, but planning to attend
GPA_CUM CHAR 9 Values are displayed for students with CAREER of UGRD and a ACAD_LEVEL of 10, 20, 30 or 40. Graduate students (career=GRAD) will display this information for term 1036 on.
CREDITS_CUM_GPA NUMBER 3 Values are displayed for students with CAREER of UGRD and a ACAD_LEVEL of 10, 20, 30 or 40. Graduate students (career=GRAD) will display this information for term 1036 on.
GRADE_POINTS_CUM_GPA NUMBER 4.1 Values are displayed for students with CAREER of UGRD and a ACAD_LEVEL of 10, 20, 30 or 40. Graduate students (career=GRAD) will display this information for term 1036 on.
CREDIT_CUM_DEGREE CHAR 3 Values are displayed for students with CAREER of UGRD and a ACAD_LEVEL of 10, 20, 30 or 40. Graduate students (career=GRAD) will display this information for term 1036 on.
YEAR_ABROAD CHAR 10 Abbreviation of the student’s year abroad program.
RMDL_MATH CHAR 1 Y = Remedial mathmatics needed.
RMDL_ENGL CHAR 1 Y = Remedial english needed.
FINANCIAL_AID CHAR 1 Y = Financial aids received.
TEAM_CODE CHAR 5 Table can be linked to UW_SPORT_TEAM_CODES for long descriptors.
SPORT_CODE CHAR 3 Table can be linked to UW_SPORT_TEAM_CODES for long descriptors.
EXTRACT_DATE_TIME Date The System generated date when the data was last refreshed.
Format: mm/dd/ccyy.