Retention and Longitudinal Studies

Information for students enrolled since the summer term of the 1984-85 academic year.

Data view name Description
Retention Awards History
Retention Awards Main All the awards conferred by the UW-Madison campus since the summer of 1985
Retention Awards Plan Plan (major) information associated with every award in the Awards Main view
Retention Awards Subplan Subplan information associated with every Award Plan in the Awards Plan view
Post Graduate Plans
First Destination Survey Post Graduate First Destination Survey
Stdnt Post Grad Plans Ugrd Post Graduate Plans of Graduating Undergraduates Students
Retention Enrollment History
Retention Semester History Semester summary information for each term and career a student is enrolled
Retention Course History Information for each UW-Madison course that a student completed
Retention Drop History Information for every section of every course that a student dropped after the census date – the 10th day of the term
Retention Plan History Term-by-term history of all programs, plans and subplans declared by each student
Retention Legacy Applicants
Retention Leg_Ugrd_Applicant Information on undergraduate applicants from 1985 to 1999.
Retention Student History
Retention Student Student Demographic and Test Score information
Retention Stdnt Group Hist Information for every student group in which a student is listed or participated
Retention Test Scores Standardized test scores including ACT, SAT, GRE, placement tests and others.
Retention Ext Degree Information about degrees earned at external institutions.
Retention Ext_Academic Data Information regarding a student’s external academic experiences.
Retention Transfer Credit Transfer credit information for each term a student received transfer credit.
Retention ID Crosswalk History
Retention ID Crosswalk Contains ID, Campus ID and SSN