Added: February 2022
Name | Functional Definition |
Affiliation (Space) | Designates the high-level organization responsible for a facility. |
Alternate Phone | Person’s alternative phone number. |
Classification (Space) | Classifies the facility by primary usage. |
Facility ID | A code to uniquely identify each facility. |
Function Percent | The portion of a space designated for a function. |
Functional Condition | The suitability or functionality of the space for its assigned use at the time of the inventory or audit. The coding of space suitability is intended to reflect a judgment about how well the design of a space supports the function of the space and the organizational unit to which the space is assigned. |
Funding Source | Identifies the primary source of financial support for facility operating costs and debt service or lease payments. Abbreviation for Funding Source Description (FACILITY, FACILITY_TEXT2). |
Funding Source Description | Identifies the primary source of financial support for facility operating costs and debt service or lease payments. |
Level (Space) | Designates the level of a Dept ID within the organizational hierarchy in INSITE. |
Meeting Space Flag | Flags any potential meeting space. |
Network (Space) | Designates space that contains campus network equipment as part of a 2019 reconciliation project with Division of Information Technology (DoIT). |
Occupant Percent | The portion of a space assigned to a specific Occupant. |
Parent (Space) | 3 character code corresponding to the campus and school, college, or division used to aggregate organizational units in the data hierarchy. |
Person Name (Space) | Full name of the person designated as an organizational contact. |
Physical Condition | The physical status of the building at the time of the inventory or audit, based on the best judgment of those persons familiar with the physical characteristics and condition of the campus. Building condition ratings are based on the extent of renovation or restoration required. |
PI Percent (Space) | The portion of a space assigned to a specific Principal Investigator. |
Plan A | Designates the primary plan for a future space use scenario. |
Plan B | Designates the secondary plan for a future space use scenario. |
Plan Classroom | Designates a classroom plan for a future space use scenario. |
Plan Data Comment | User-entered information about request floor plan and/or data update. |
Plan Data Date | Date the update request is entered. |
Plan Data Priority | Indicates the urgency of the update need. |
Plan Data Update | Indicates the type of update(s) needed for a room. |
Plan Data Updated | Date the update was completed. |
Planning Comment | User-entered information about the planning scenarios. |
Planning Date | User-selected date related to planning scenario. |
Planning Status | Designates a space as eligible for planning and where it is in the planning cycle. |
Priority (Space) | Designates the order in which facility contacts should be contacted. |
Project Department | 6 digit Department code for organization receiving the awarded project. |
Project ID | Concatenated project code and fund from system of record (WISER). |
Project Name | Full grant description from UW-Madison system of record. (WISER, Description field) |
Purpose (Space) | Designates what the address is used for. |
Subuse Percent | The portion of a space designated for a certain Sub Use. |
Survey Function Comments | Surveyor-supplied notes about Function fields. |
Survey Occupant Comments | Surveyor-supplied notes about Occupant fields. |
Survey Support Room Comments | Surveyor-supplied notes about Support Room fields. |
Use Percent | The portion of a space designated for a certain Use. |
Using Organization | Identifies the department that is using a space that is allocated to another department . |
Added: January 2022
Name | Functional Definition |
Acres | Acreage associated with a facility based on real estate property records. |
Active (Facility) | Designates if a facility is being used by UW-Madison. |
Active (Floor) | Designates if a floor record is in use. |
Active (Organization) | Designates if a organization record is in use. |
Active (Person) | Indicates whether a person record is active. |
Architect | Name of the architecture firm that designed the facility. |
Assignability (Major Use) | Designates a Major Use category as Assignable or Nonassignable according to FICM 2006. |
Assignability (Organization) | Designates an Organization as Assignable or Nonassignable according to FICM 2006. |
Assignable Area | The sum of all areas on all floors of a building assigned to, or available for assignment to, an occupant or specific use. |
Budget (DPP) | Refers to summary budget allocations by category and program. For more information please visit: |
Building Height | The height of a building in feet. |
Campus Sector | The area of the main campus where the facility is located. |
Central-Chilled | Identifies if a facility is connected to the UW-Madison chilled water system. |
Central-Steam | Identifies if a facility is connected to the UW-Madison steam system. |
Central-Utility | Identifies if a facility is connected to the UW-Madison steam or chilled water system. |
City | The municipality where the facility is addressed for postal purposes. |
Classroom-Fall-2020 | Designates that a room was scheduled for credit instruction through the Registrar’s Office for the fall 2020 term. |
Construction Date | The date when construction began. |
Country | The country where the facility the located for postal purposes. |
County | The county where the facility is located. |
Credit Allocation (DPP) | Refers to metrics in Credits Follow the Department (CFD) and Credits Follow the Instructor (CFI) formats. For more information please visit the following link: |
Cumulative GPA | The grade point average for all courses completed for an A-F grade at UW-Madison within a career; cumulative grade points divided by cumulative credits taken for GPA. |
Degrees and Certificates (DPP) | Refers to metrics on degree and other award trends; awards are assigned to the department that is the academic owner of the program. For more information please visit: |
Department (UDDS) | A two-character numeric designation for each department (academic or budgetary) within a Division (UDDS). Department is the fourth and fifth characters of a UDDS. |
Department Percent (Space) | The portion of a space allocated to a Dept ID. |
Display Sequence | This controls the order in which functions appear on dropdowns. The lower the number is the higher the function’s position in the dropdown. |
Division (UDDS) | A two-character numeric designation for each school/college or non-academic division within a Unit (UDDS). Division is the second and third characters of a UDDS. |
Drawing | The drive location of the SMO CAD file for a floor. |
Enrollment (DPP) | Refers to major enrollment trends. For more information please visit the following link: |
Entered By | Username of the user who initially entered a record. |
Entered Date | Date a record was initially entered. |
Expenditures (DPP) | Refers to summary expenditures by expenditure category and program. For more information please visit: |
Facility Contact Type | Designates the contact category for specific purposes. |
Facility Description | Indicates whether a facility is classified as a building or some other type of structure, or land |
Facility Inactive Date | The date a facility was no longer in use. |
Facility Legal Name | The official full name of a facility. |
Facility Name | The short or common name for a facility. |
Facility Type | Indicates whether a facility is classified as a building, land, or some other type of structure. |
Faculty Roster (DPP) | Refers to tenure FTE by rank and age group. For more information please visit: |
First Name (Legal) | A person’s legal first name. |
Floor | Floor level in INSITE that matches floor level on floor plans. |
Floor Sort Sequence | This controls the order in which floors appear in dropdowns. The lower this number is the higher the floors position in the dropdown. |
FTE (Payroll) | Employee full-time equivalent from payroll used in budget considerations and official reporting. Excludes LTEs, student and unclassified hourly employees, certain post-degree training staff and graduate assistantships. |
FTE (Space) | Full Time Equivalent of employees as allocated via UDDS assignments as represented in UW.UA_MONTHLY_PAYROLL without exclusions. |
Function | A description that pairs with the code that identifies the financial data or institutional mission of the purpose of the space. |
Function (Space screen version) | Concatenated field showing Function Pct., Function Code, and Function. |
Function Code | A 2 digit code to identify the financial data or institutional mission of the purpose of the space. |
Function Memo | Concatenated Function Code and Function Name. |
Function Name | A description that pairs with the code that identifies the financial data or institutional mission of the purpose of the space. |
Fund (Accounting) | Also known as appropriation, this is a 3 digit number set up by the Legislature to define the funding source and transactions that can be attributed to it. |
Grant Memo | Full grant description from UW-Madison system of record. (WISER, Description field) |
Grant Name | Short or truncated grant description from UW-Madison system of record. (WISER, Description field) |
Grant Number | Concatenated project code and fund from system of record (WISER). |
Gross Area | The sum of all areas on a floor of a building included within the outside faces of its exterior walls, including all vertical penetration areas, for circulation and shaft areas that connect one floor to another.
Gross Area = Net Usable Area + Structural Space. |
Gross Area CAD | The sum of all areas on all floors of a building included within the outside faces of its exterior walls based on scaled, polylined CAD floor plans. Sum of all FLOOR, FLOOR_GROSS_AREA values for all floors in a building. |
Gross Area CDR | Gross Area value that is approved by UW System Administration for the Central Data Request (CDR). |
Gross Area non-CAD | Gross area value when scaled CAD floor plans are not available or when a documented gross is used instread of Gross Area CAD value (i.e. leased facility). |
Gross Area Reported | Gross area value provided in any SMO report that includes gross area, except the Central Data Request (CDR). |
Inventory Method | Identifies method used to update a space record. |
Last Inventoried | The date a space record was updated using one of the Inventory Methods (SPACE, SPACE_CODE_2). |
Last Name (Legal) | A person’s legal last name. |
Latitude | Geographical lattitude value for a facility. |
Life Cycle | Indicates the status of the facility. |
Location | Name of the municipality that is a person’s primary work location. |
Longitude | Geographical longitude value for a facility. |
Major Function | A roll-up of the function description to the main category. |
Major Function (Short version) | High level space fucntion category name based on aggregated function coding. Short version of MAJOR_FUNCTION, MAJOR_FUNTION_NAME. |
Major Function Code | Alphanumeric designation that corresponds to a Major Function. |
Major Function Code – Name | Concatenated Major Function Code and Major Function Name. |
Major Function Name | High level space fucntion category name based on aggregated function coding. |
Major Use | High level space use category name based on aggregated of Use and Subuse coding. |
Major Use (Short version) | High level space use category name used to aggregate Use and Subuse coding. Short version of MAJOR_USE, MAJOR_USE_NAME. |
Major Use Code | High level space use category code used to aggregate Use and Subuse coding. |
Major Use Name | High level space use category name based on aggregated Use and Subuse coding. |
Map URL | Web address for the facility pop-up on the main campus map. |
Mechanical Plans | Designates that Physical Plant Maintenance Mechanic plans are attached to the facility record. |
Middle Name | Middle name or middle initital of a person. |
Net Usable | The aggregate interior area of a building expressed in square feet. It is the sum of Assignable Area and Nonassignable Area. Net Usable Area = Assignable Area + Nonassignable Area.* |
Nonassignable | The sum of all areas on all floors of a building not available for assignment to an occupant or for specific use, but necessary for the general operation of a building. Expressed in square feet. |
Occupancy Date | Date when occupants moved into a facilitiy. |
Occupancy Memo | Provides additional information about Occupancy fields. |
Occupant | Name of the person(s) assigned to a space. |
Occupant Count | Number of people that occupy a room. |
Organization Contact Type | Designates a contact category for specific purposes. |
Organization Memo | Provides additional information about Organization fields. |
Ownership | The basis by which the facility of record is made available to the university. |
Payroll (DPP) | Refers to budgeted FTE and payroll dollar totals by employee category. For more information please visit: |
Phone | Person’s phone number. |
Plan-C | Designates the tertiatry plan for a future space use scenario. |
Principal Investigator (PI) | The individual responsible for a sponsored research project. This responsibility includes both leadership of the scientific/technical aspects of the project and compliance with the financial and administrative aspects of the award. |
Project Budget Amount | Total project funding awarded based on Project Budget listed in the system of record (WISER). |
Project End Date | End date listed for the project in the system of record (WISER). |
Project FA Code | F&A code assigned to the project in the system of record (WISER). |
Project FA Rate | F&A rate assigned to the project in the system of record (WISER). |
Project Start Date | Start date listed for the project in the system of record (WISER). |
Project Status | Project status from system of record (WISER). |
Project Type | Name of Project Type from system of record (WISER). |
Project UW Type | Name of UW Project Type from system of record (WISER). |
Project UW Type Code | Project code from system of record (WISER). |
Property | Groups facilities together into a property record. |
Prorated Area | The square feet area attributed to a PI in a room. SPACE_PI, SPACE_AREA x SPACE_PI, PERCENTAGE |
Public Flag (Space) | Designates if a facility record can be published for public view. (No authentication required to view the facility record.) |
Region | Used to indicate facilities related to UW-Madison organizationally (not geographically). Abbreviation of Geographic Name (REGION, REGION_NAME). |
Region Name | Used to indicate facilities related to UW-Madison organizationally (not geographically). |
Remarks (Facility) | General notes/comments about a facility record. |
Report CAD Gross? | Determines if Gross Area CAD (Y) or Gross Area non-CAD (N) populates Gross Area Reported column. This selection will change Gross Area Reported automatically. |
Research Awards (DPP) | Refers to total research awards, with federal and non-federal disaggregation. For more information please visit: |
Responsible Person | The name of the staff person who manages a space. |
Role Type | Groups Lumen and Guide workflow roles according to their general function or level of approval. For example: Dept. Approver, Subject Approver, School/College Approver, GUIDE, UCC Approver and UAPC Approver |
Room | An alphanumeric code to identify every specific room or space, whether assignable or nonassignable. |
Room Area | The square feet of a room as measured from the inside faces of surfaces that form its boundaries. |
Room Name | Room name provided by building occupants. It may or may not be the official name per BoR and Chancellor policies. |
Seating Capacity | Number of seats that are available based on the Use of the room. |
Seating Type | Description of seating for select Uses. |
Site | A geographic zone used to organize facilities in relation to their distance from the main campus. Short version of SITE.SITE_NAME. |
Site Name | A geographic zone used to organize facilities in relation to their distance from the main campus. |
Space Contact Type | Designates the contact category for specific purposes. |
Space Occupancy Date | Estimated date a person occupied a room. |
Space Use Name | A description that pairs with the code that provides meaningful and comparable summary data about the role of a room. Short version of USE, USE_NAME. |
Sponsor ID | The Sponsor ID number from the system of record (WISER). |
Sponsor Name | Name of Award Sponsor from system of record (WISER). |
Square footage prorations | Square footage assignment totals for various data elements are prorated on a percentage basis. Those prorations are reflected in the square footage totals shown on the visualizations. This applies to Use, Major Use, Subuse, Division ID, Dept ID, and Function. |
State | The state where the facility is located. |
Street Direction | A cardinal direction abbreviation to be used with Street Name. |
Street Name | The street where a facility is addressed. |
Street Number | The number assigned to a facility for addressing. |
Street Type | The text suffix abbreviated that describes the street. |
Subuse | Description of a secondary use indicator assigned to provide additional detail about the space use. Short version of SUB_USE, SUB_USE_NAME. |
Subuse Code | Alphanumeric designation that corresponds to a Sub Use name. |
Subuse Name | Description of a secondary use indicator assigned to provide additional detail about the space use. |
Survey Grant Comments | Surveyor-supplied notes about Grant fields. |
Survey Room Comments | Surveyor-supplied notes about Room fields. |
UDDS | A UW System-wide, seven-character organizational code used to identify the Unit, Division, Department, Sub-department associated with a particular personnel, research, financial, or other activity or transaction. |
Updated By | Username of the user to last update the record. |
Updated Date and Time | Date and timestamp of the last record edit. |
URL (Organization) | Web address for a space generating organization, if available. |
URL (Space) | Web address for additional room information, if available. |
Use | A description that pairs with the code that provides meaningful and comparable summary data about the role of a room. Short version of USE, USE_NAME. |
Use – Subuse | Concatenated field showing Use and Subuse. |
Use Code | Alphanumeric designation that corresponds to a Use name. |
Use in Survey: (Organization) | Designates Organizations that are available to the INSITE space survey tool. |
Use in Survey: (Use) | Designates Uses that are available in the Net-FM space survey tool. |
Use Name | A description that pairs with the code that provides meaningful and comparable summary data about the role of a room. |
Workflow Role | The name of the workflow role responsible for approving a proposal at a specific step of workflow in Lumen or Guide. |
Zip Code | The postal zip plus four for a facility based on the postal address. |
Added: September 2021
Name | Functional Definition |
25th – 75th Percentile (LAVA) | The interquartile range of overall Canvas course performance across all students taking the course, derived using the 25th and 75th percentiles. |
Assignment Group (LAVA) | Type of Canvas activity as classified by a Canvas course instructor or coordinator. This can include: Announcements (Canvas); Assignments (Canvas); Collaborations (Canvas); Discussions (Canvas); Gradebook Grades (Canvas); Modules (Canvas); Pages (Canvas); Quizzes (Canvas); or other groupings that an instructor decides to use. This can also be referred to as an Activity Type. |
Class Average (by Assignment group, LAVA) | The arithmetic average or the sum of all Canvas course points available in each assignment group divided by the count of numbers in the Canvas course assignment group. |
Class Average (Weekly, LAVA) | The arithmetic average or the sum of all Canvas course points available in each week divided by the count of numbers in the Canvas course week, shown as percent. |
Class High (by Assignment group, LAVA) | The highest number of points any student has currently been assigned in a Canvas course assignment group. |
Class Low (by Assignment group, LAVA) | The lowest number of points any student has currently been assigned in a Canvas course assignment group. |
Course Points (LAVA) | The total number of points available in a Canvas course for all students in a course, including extra credit points. |
Interactions (LAVA) | The total number of times a student has loaded an Activity Type in Canvas; can be filtered by term, course, Activity Type, and date range. |
Last Canvas Login (LAVA) | The most recent time (in Central Time) a student logged into any Canvas course, including non-credit courses (non-course specific). |
Last Course Activity (LAVA) | The most recent time (in Central Time) a student logged into the Canvas course that corresponds to the row and course listed in the table displayed. |
Max Points (by Assignment group, LAVA) | The maximum number of points available in a Canvas course assignment group for all students. |
Student Score (by Assignment group, LAVA) | The grade shown as points a student is currently assigned in a Canvas course assignment group. |
Student Score (Weekly, LAVA) | The grade shown as percentage a student is currently assigned in a Canvas course week. |
Total Range (LAVA) | The total number of points available in a Canvas course within an assignment group for all students in a course, including extra credit points. |
Week (LAVA) | The week number of a Canvas course within the term in which the course was offered; week 1 generally corresponds to the first week a course begins. |
Added: August 2021
Name | Functional Definition |
CR Grade | A CR grade counts for credit in courses offered on a credit/no credit basis. |
Curricular Exception | An adjustment to how requirements of a given academic program (degree, major, or certificate) are satisfied, made for an individual student. |
N Grade | An N grade does not count for credit in courses offered on a credit/no credit basis. |
S Grade | An S grade is considered ‘satisfactory’ in courses taken on a pass/fail basis. |
SD Grade | A SD (Satisfactory-Disruption) grade is a special grading option for students created in response to COVID-19 events. A SD grade counts for credit but does not factor into GPA calculations. Please refer to for additional details. |
U Grade | A U grade is considered ‘unsatisfactory’ in courses taken on a pass/fail basis. |
UD Grade | A UD (University Disruption-No Credit) grade is a special grading option for students created in response to COVID-19 events. A UD grade does not count for credit and does not factor into GPA calculations. Please refer to for additional details. |
Added: April 2021
Name | Functional Definition |
Lump Sum Payment | A one-time payment to an employee that does not increase the employee’s base compensation rate. |
Added: March 2021
Name | Functional Definition |
Base Rate Adjustment | A modification to an employee’s base compensation rate. |
Pages (Canvas) | Pages store content and educational resources that are part of a course or group but don’t necessarily belong in an assignment. Pages can include text, video, and links to files and other course or group content. Pages can also be linked to other pages. They can also be used as a collaboration tool for course or group wikis where only specific users can have access. They are sometimes linked to from the navigation sidebar. |
Added: February 2021
Name | Functional Definition |
Admission Decision Date | The date the Office of Admissions entered ‘admit’ admission decision in SIS for undergraduate students. |
Advanced Opportunity Fellowship (AOF) | Advanced Opportunity Fellowships (AOF) are intended to support the recruitment and retention of highly qualified underrepresented students in UW–Madison graduate programs. Graduate program applicants who are U.S. citizens or permanent residents and who meet at least one of the following basic criteria are flagged in the Graduate Application system as eligible to receive the AOF: McNair students: students who participated in a Ronald E. McNair Post-Baccalaureate Achievement Program; ORStudents from the following racial/ethnic groups: a) African American or Black; b) American Indian or Alaskan Native; c) Hispanic/Latino; d) Cambodian, Vietnamese, Laotian, or Hmong; e) Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander; OREconomically disadvantaged students: a) first-generation college students who participated in one of the following TRIO programs: Upward Bound, Talent Search, Educational Opportunities Centers, or Student Support Services; b) first-generation college students who graduated from the PEOPLE Program; or c) UW–Madison bachelor’s degree recipients who were in the FASTrack or BANNER programs. Students who do not meet any of the above criteria may still be nominated for the fellowship by their academic program. Nominations are judged on a case by case basis. |
Added: January 2021
Name | Functional Definition |
Course Transfer Evaluation Type | The method in which an external course is evaluated for transfer to UW-Madison. Courses with a transfer rule generally have that rule applied. Courses without a transfer rule require a credit evaluator to research course information in order to determine a transfer equivalent for UW-Madison undergraduates. |
Course Transfer Rule | An established rule that determines how an external course transfers to UW-Madison. Courses are transferred as either elective credit, direct equivalent to an existing UW-Madison course, or no credit. |
Transfer Credit Evaluation Date | The date a transfer course from an external institution was evaluated for a student. |
Added: Fall 2020
Name | Functional Definition |
Admission Decision | The date the applicant accepted their ‘admit’ admission decision |
Transfer Credit Evaluation | The date a transfer course from an external institution was evaluated |
Primary Course Section | For courses with multiple components (lecture and lab, for example), the primary section is the component that students have in common. Primary sections all have section numbers |
Synchronous Instruction | When instructor-student interaction in a course section does not occur in a predetermined, scheduled meeting pattern |
Asynchronous Instruction | When instructor-student interaction in a course section does not have a scheduled meeting pattern |
Course Requisites | The academic preparation needed to be successful in a course – generally completed or concurrent course work, or admission to a specific academic program |
Instructional Mode | How course section instruction is delivered. Four values currently are in use, including classroom instruction (planned and delivered face-to-face), hybrid (planned and delivered part face-to-face, part online), online (planned and delivered entirely online), remote (planned face-to-face but delivered online due to circumstances). A temporary value of ‘being decided’ is used during the time when the Schedule of Classes is being built and the instruction mode is not yet decided |
Occupation (Workers Compensation) | An employee’s principal vocation title according to the State of Wisconsin’s Department of Administration |
Cause (Workers Compensation) | An action or event resulting in an injury, exposure, or incident according to the State of Wisconsin Department of Administration |
Injury (Workers Compensation) | Physical, cognitive, or physiological harm or damage caused by a work accident according to the State of Wisconsin’s Department of Administration |
DART | Days away, restricted or transferred (DART) is a safety metric used by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) to show how many workplace injuries and illnesses caused the affected employees to remain away from work, restricted their activities or resulted in a transfer to another job as they were unable to do their usual occupation within a calendar year |
OSHA Recordable Status | A term for injuries, exposures and/or illnesses that must be reported to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) |
Claim (Workers Compensation) | A request for benefits that pays for medical treatment and wages lost due to work-related injuries, exposures and/or illnesses |
Accounting Period (Accounting) | Represents a specific time interval (usually a month) for which each transaction is assigned. |
Instructional Mode | How course section instruction is delivered. Four values currently are in use, including classroom instruction (planned and delivered face-to-face), hybrid (planned and delivered part face-to-face, part online), online (planned and delivered entirely online), remote (planned face-to-face but delivered online due to circumstances). A temporary value of ‘being decided’ is used during the time when the Schedule of Classes is being built and the instruction mode is not yet decided. |
Group Instruction | Course sections intended for multiple students and one or more instructors. Course sections identified as lectures, labs, discussions, or seminars are considered group instruction |
Turnover Reason Type | A grouping of Turnover Reason. The levels are Voluntary, Involuntary, and Unspecified. Voluntary turnover is initiated by the employee. Examples include retirement and resignation. Involuntary turnover is initiated by UW-Madison. Examples include the end of a fixed terminal appointment, layoff, and non-renewal |
Turnover Reason (HRS) | The HRS reason code description associated with a job termination action |
Turnover, External (Employee) | The percentage of all employees in a specified population who left all appointments at the university, calculated as the ratio of the count of Departures (Employee) to average Headcount of employees over a specified time period |
Turnover, Internal (Employee) | The percentage of all employees in a specified population who left at least one appointment but remained employed at the university, calculated as the ratio of a count of Transitions (Employee) to the average Headcount of employees over a specified time period |
Turnover, External (Employee) | The ratio of the count of Departures (Employee) in a time period to average Headcount of employees over the same time period expressed as a percentage |
Transition (Employee) | An employee who has ended at least one appointment but remains employed at UW-Madison within a particular time period |
Departure (Employee) | An employee who has ended all employment at UW-Madison within a particular time period |
Headcount | A distinct count of individual persons |
Admit (Graduate Career) | Recommendation by an academic department to the Graduate School to admit a graduate applicant. Applicants may also be counted as admits if they are approved for admission by the Graduate School Office of Admissions. |
New Plan Enrollment | A student in the first term of an academic plan. New enrollments may be either new to a career or entering a new academic plan within a career. |
Primary Funding Category | The title category of a graduate student assistant with a tuition remission-eligible appointment. Title categories include Fellow, Trainee, Research Assistant, Teaching Assistant, and Project Assistant. For students with multiple eligible appointments, the appointment with the highest FTE is considered the primary funding category. For students with multiple appointments at the same FTE, the primary funding category is based on the following order: Fellow, Trainee, Research Assistant, Teaching Assistant, Project Assistant. |
Stipend | The compensation rate of a tuition remission-eligible graduate student assistantship. The stipend is money directly paid to the student and does not include the value of tuition remission or other benefits associated with the appointment. |
Full Funding Appointment | Graduate research assistant, teaching assistant, project assistant, fellow and trainee appointments equivalent to 33% time or higher are considered ‘Full Funding’ as they typically qualify the student for tuition remission and other benefits such as health insurance. Students with multiple concurrent appointments with a combined FTE (Full Time Equivalent) of 33% or higher are also categorized as receiving full funding |
Selectivity Rate (Graduate Career) | Percentage of graduate applications receiving a department recommendation for admission. |
Pages (Canvas) | Pages store content and educational resources that are part of a course or group but don’t necessarily belong in an assignment. Pages can include text, video, and links to files and other course or group content. Pages can also be linked to other pages. They can also be used as a collaboration tool for course or group wikis where only specific users can have access. In Canvas, Pages are typically linked to from the navigation sidebar, if an instructor has this feature enabled. |
Wiki Pages (Canvas) | A feature within the Canvas learning management system that stores content and educational resources that are part of a course or group but don’t necessarily belong in an assignment. Pages can include text, video, and links to files and other course or group content. Pages can also be linked to other pages. They can also be used as a collaboration tool for course or group wikis where only specific users can have access. Wiki Pages (versus regular Canvas Pages) are generally navigated to from various links in the Canvas navigation sidebar and do not have their own specific sidebar shortcut. |