
Data view name Description
  Payroll Data Views
 UA Payroll Ded Insurance  Insurance Deduction, Health,Life, Income Continuation, etc.
 UA Payroll Ded Misc  Common Miscellaneous Deductions
 UA Payroll Ded Retirement  Deduction Retirement and TSA’s
 UA Payroll Ded Taxes  Deduction tax related FICA, Federal Withholding etc.
 UA Payroll Pay Madison  Payroll Transaction Detail for Madison
 UA Payroll Pay All  Payroll Transaction Detail for all campuses
 Payroll Transactions for Other UW Institutions
  Classified Leave Data Views
 CL_Person  Basic employee information for biweekly pay period.
 CL_Pay_Period_Activity  Biweekly pay period data including some payroll information and leave amounts used or earned during the biweekly pay period.
 CL_Change  Audit trail of changes made to balances, earnings, and usages.
 CL_Calc_Balance_Current_Empl  Balances and year-to-date activity totals for employees with Pay Period Activity for the most recent biweekly pay period.
 CL_Calc_Balance_History  Balances and year-to-date activity totals for employees with Pay Period Activity for a biweekly pay period since June A 2008 pay period.
Unclassified Leave Data Views
 UA UCLA Inactive  Inactive Unclassified Leave Accounting
 UA UCLA Leave  Active Unclassified Leave Accounting
 UCLA Credit Debit  Leave Credits and Debits