This view is for general use for student retention and longitudinal studies. The view contains ALL the awards conferred by the UW-Madison campus since May of 1978 (Term 0784). The view also contains about 3000 additional UW-Madison awards posted retroactively for various prior terms as far bask as August of 1958 (Term 0586).

The view includes all UW-Madison undergraduate, graduate, professional degrees as well as certificates, teaching certifications, and additional majors. Information on the Plans (majors) and Subplans associated to UW-Madison Awards can be found in the views UW.RETENTION_AWARDS_PLAN and UW.RETENTION_AWARDS_SUBPLAN and joined to UW.RETENTION_AWARDS_MAIN.

Awards granted by other institutions to students enrolled on the Madison campus since the summer of 1985 can be found in the view UW.RETENTION_EXT_DEGREE. This data is entered by the appropriate admitting office from the students’ transcript. Questions concerning the data should be referred to the admitting office for that particular career and program. Their are over 220,000 external degrees with tthe data as far back as June of 1900.

Data is completely replaced each weekend.
Office of the Registrar
Contact: Phil Hull
You must receive approval to access data from the data custodian. For information about how to get authorized for InfoAccess data views, connect to the InfoAccess Home Page
Contact: Division of Information Technology Help Desk
Phone: 264-HELP (4357)
04/2001 – New view created.
05/2002 – Added four new fields: Fall_Spring_Term_Count, Summer_Term_Count, Elapsed_Calendar_Year, and Elapsed_Time_To_Degree_Grad_School
11/2002 – Changed Load Frequency
06/2003 Updated Overview in documentation
08/2006 Updated descriptions in documentation for Diversity and Targeted Minority
02/2012 – c4j Custodian Change
09/2012 – Fixed the definition of Degree_Honors_Suffix
11/2014 – s8w Preferred name policy.
04/2020 – Removed fields:
12/2024 – Updated legal sex values
Primary Key Columns are identified with an asterisk(*)
Alphanumeric Data
VARCHAR2( N) (N) = maximum length. Field contains letters and/or numbers. Trailing blanks are eliminated.
Example: VARCHAR2 (5) could contain ‘ABC12’ or ‘ABC’ or ‘A’
Numeric Data
NUMBER (N) (N) = length. Field contains only numbers.
NUMBER (X,Y) = format for numbers with decimal positions.
X = total number of digits
Y = the number of digits after the decimal
Examples: NUMBER (6) represents 250012 NUMBER (6,2) represents 2500.12
DATE – Date can be in various formats. Date functions available with your query tool can be used to format the date.
Column Name Format Description
*ID Varchar2(11) ISIS personal Identifier. The ID will never be changed throughout the individual’s relationship with the University. This is not the same as Campus_ID. Only 10 characters are in use.

Note: some Award recipients that appear in this view may not appear in the other Retention data views if they have not been enrolled in a course at UW-Madison since 1985.

*AWARD_NUMBER Varchar2(2) A number indicating the particular award in sequence of UW-Madison awards conferred on the student.
CAMPUS_ID Varchar2(16) This is simply a unique student identifier (10 digits). It may occasionally change at the student’s request.

Note: Campus IDs can change over time. The Campus_ID posted here is the one current at the Refresh date posted in EXTRACT_DATE_TIME.

NAME Varchar2(50) Student’s preferred name (Last, First, Middle), starting in term 1142. Prior to the fall of 2014 it shows the primary/legal name.
AGE_AT_CONFERRAL Number(3) The difference in years between the student’s conferral date and their birth date rounded down to the nearest year.
GENDER Varchar2(1) The legal sex of the student.
Values are:
F= Female
M= Male
X = Another Legal Sex
U.= Unknown
CAREER Varchar2(4) The career associated to the award.
Values are:
UGRD = Undergraduate
GRAD = Graduate
LAW = Law
MEDS = Medicine
VMED = Veterinary Medicine
PHAR = Pharmacy
NSTD = Non-Standard Career
USPC = University Special
Varchar2(5) The academic program associated to the Award.
Varchar2(5) Academic group (e.g, College or School) associated to the award. In general, each award is associated to a unique Plan, and each plan is part of a unique Program, and every Program is associated to a unique Academic Group.
Values are:
ALS = Agricultural and Life
BUS = School of Business
DCS = Division of Continuing Studies
EDU = School of Education
EGR = College of Engineering
IES = Institute for Environmental
L&S = College of Letters & Science
LAW = School of Law
MED = School of Medicine
NUR = School of Nursing
PHM = School of Pharmacy
VET = School of Veterinary Medicine
CIC = Committee on Inst Cooperation
HEC = School of Human Ecology
MSN = UW-Madison
Some students with dual careers will not have a value for Award_Academic_Group due to the intricacies of ISIS. Note: the Award_Academic_Group MSN (UW-Madison) is more commonly used for awards of type, MAJ and CRT, especially for awards granted since ISIS in Fall 1992.
Varchar2(30) Description of the Academic group code.
AWARD_TYPE Varchar2(8) A code that classifies all awards into 5 “types.”
Values are:
CHN = Chancellor’s Award br> TCH = Teacher Certification
CRT = Certificate
MAJ = Additional Major
DEG = Degree Baccalaureate, Masters, Doctoral and Professional degrees are all of type DEG.
AWARD_LEVEL Varchar2(1) A code that classifies all degrees (awards of type DEG) into 4 “levels”
Values are:
B = Bachelors
M = Masters
D = Doctoral
P = Professional
O = Other (This is the level for all awards of type other than DEG, i.e., all non-degrees.)
AWARD_CODE Varchar2(8) A code that identifies the award. For awards that are not degrees, the value of the Award Code is the Award Type.
AWARD_FORMAL_DESCR Varchar2(50) The formal description of the award.
Varchar2(4) The earliest term the student enrolled at UW-Madison in any Career of the same type as that associated with the degree. For some students with dual careers this field is not populated.
AWARD_ADMIT_TERM Varchar2(4) For awards since the fall term 1998-99 (0992), the earliest term the student was admitted to any program for the career associated to the degree plan. Not populated for earlier plans. Not populated for awards conferred before the term Fall semester 1998-99 (0992) and for students admitted prior to ISIS.
AWARD_COMPLETION_TERM Varchar2(4) The term the student completed the requirements for the award.
AWARD_CONFER_DATE Date The date the award was granted.
Format : YYYYMMDD.
AWARD_STATUS_DATE Date The date the award was entered into the student record system May not be the conferral date for retroactively conferred awards).
Format : YYYYMMDD.
DEGREE_HONORS_SUFFIX Varchar2(3) The Degree Suffix (DS) Honor is one of three types of honors for awards of type DEG. This suffix is appended to the degree description on both the transcript and diploma.
Values are:
CMP = with Comprehensive Honors
HLA = with Honors in the Liberal Arts
MJR = with Honors in the Major
RES = with Honors in Research
HNR = with Honors
DEGREE_HONORS_1 Varchar2(3) The Degree Honor (DH) Honor is one of three types of honors for awards of type DEG. This suffix is appended to the degree description on the transcript only. A student can be awarded up to two honors of this type.
Values are:
CUM = Cum Laude
MAG = Magna Cum Laude
SUM = Suma Cum Laude
GWD = Graduated with Distinction
GHD = Graduated with Highest Distinction
GWH =Graduated with Honors
GHH = Graduated with High Honors
SRH = Senior Honors
SHH = Senior High Honors
Note: due to the ISIS transition some awards with Degree Honors of CMP (Comprehensive Honors), or MJR (Honors in the Major) may not be reflected in the field, DEG_PLAN_HNRS_SUFFIX, in the Awards Plan view.
DEGREE_HONORS_2 Varchar2(3) The Degree Honor (DH) Honor is one of three types of honors for awards of type DEG. This suffix is appended to the degree description on the transcript only. A student can be awarded up to two honors of this type. See the description of DEGREE_HONORS_1 for code translation.
Number(8.3) The total credits earned towards all UW-Madison degrees that from the enrollment in non-UW-Madison Courses, such as transfer credit from other institutions, advanced placement and other types of test credit. Populated only for degrees with AWARD_LEVEL B, M, or D. Not populated for awards of level M or D until further notice.
CUMULATIVE_CREDITS Number(8,3) The total credits earned towards all degrees conferred in the given semester. If the degrees are granted at different times, the later degree will include all the credits earned toward the earlier. The column is not reset to zero when the first degree is granted. Column not populated if the total credits are less than 120. Populated only for degrees with AWARD_LEVEL = B, M, or D.
CUMULATIVE_GPA Number(9,3) Cumulative_GPA is populated only for degrees with AWARD_LEVEL = B, M, or D. This may not agree exactly with 0the Cumulative GPA computed as the ratio of the Cumulative GPA Grade Points to the Cumulative GPA credits from the completion term in Stdnt_Car_Term. The latter two columns are included here for comparison. Data is not populated for awards of level M or D until further notification.
CUMULATIVE_GPA_CREDITS Number(8,3) The total credits that count towards the GPA the student has accumulated by the end of the completion term of degree in the corresponding career. Populated only for degrees with AWARD_LEVEL = B, M, or D.
Number(9,3) The total grade points that count towards the GPA the student has accumulated by the end of the completion term of degree in the corresponding career. Populated only for degrees with AWARD_LEVEL = B, M, or D.
DEGREE_UGRD_RANK Number(8,3) The GPA rank among all those in the given Award Academic Group graduating in either the Fall or Spring terms of the given academic year, or the Summer term of the preceding academic year. Populated only for degrees with AWARD_LEVEL = B. Ranks are posted only once per fiscal year after the Spring awards are posted. Since the population pertaining to the rank includes 3 terms, those graduating in the a given Summer or Fall term will not have their ranks posted until the following Spring awards have been granted. Ties in GPA rank may occur when two or more students in the relevant population have the same GPA. For example, if 20 students in the population have a GPA of 4.000, they will all have a GPA rank of 1, while the next highest GPA below 4.000 will have rank 21.
Number(8,3) The total number graduating in either the Fall or Spring terms of the given academic year, or the summer term of the preceding academic year. Populated only for degrees with AWARD_LEVEL = B. The population pertaining to the rank includes 3 terms. Those graduating in the given Summer or Fall term will not have their ranks posted until the following Spring awards have been granted.
FALL_SPRING_TERM_COUNT Number(2) Count of fall and spring terms enrolled from the career matriculation term to the award completion term. This does not count summer terms.
SUMMER_TERM_COUNT Number(2) Count of summer terms enrolled from the career matriculation term to the award completion date.
ELAPSED_CALENDAR_YEARS Number(5,3) Elapsed Calendar Time to Degree in years from career matriculation term start date to degree completion term conferral date. This is displayed to three decimal places.
Number(5,3) Grad School calculation of Time to Degree in years based on elapsed terms.
EXTRACT_DATE_TIME DATE The date and time these data were extracted from ISIS.