This view contains information for each student enrolled at UW-Madison since the summer term of the1984-85 academic year (term 0856). All students found in any of the Retention views should also be listed in this view, except for the small number of students in the Awards views who received an award since the term 0856, but were not enrolled since 0856.
The student’s records for the three prior terms are replaced the 3rd of each month.
Office of the Registrar
Contact: Phil Hull
You must receive approval to access data from the data custodian. For information about how to get authorized for InfoAccess data views, connect to the InfoAccess Home Page
Contact: Division of Information Technology Help Desk
Phone: 264-HELP (4357)
06/2001 New View Added
11/2002 Changed load frequency.
9/2003 Changed definitions of fields Citizen_Status, Ethnic_Group, Diversity, Minority, and Targeted_Minority.
Added documentation for Citizen_Status with a value of 7. Also added a warning to the Special Considerations section.

  1. Targeted Minority was corrected to handle students with multiple Ethnic Codes. If more than one exists look at the Ethnicity_Primary=Y
  2. Residency-At-Entrance and Tuition_Residency_At_Entrance are were not showing the values expected. These should now be reported directly from the ISIS values and should match what is in the documentation.
  3. When deciding what career to use (for figuring residency, etc.) ignore the non-standard career if the student was also enrolled in another career their first term.


  1. Discovered the population was not selecting correctly based upon a change made in June 2004. The code was updated so that the Register switch is only checked for terms 0996 and greater. Prior to 0996 all students on PS_Stdnt_Car_Term are pulled into this view. This is as good as it will get until the Registrar’s Office fixes the Registered flag.
  2. Code and documentation were updated to make sure Citizen_Status=7 are dealt with appropriately. Fields impacted were: Citizen_Status, Ethnic_Group, Diversity, Targeted_Minority, and Minority.
  3. In addition, when setting the Targeted_Minority flag it was decided it was not necessary to look for Ethniciy_Primary = Y but instead look for any row for the student with the Ethnic Code ACAMLAOV.
  4. Michigan English Placement score is now cleared correctly

02/2010 – Add new field Fall_Cohort_Year.
02/2012 – c4j Custodian Change
11/2014 – s8w Preferred name policy.
04/2020 – Remove fields:

12/2024 – Updated Legal sex values

Primary Key Columns are identified with an asterisk(*)
Alphanumeric Data
VARCHAR2( N) (N) = maximum length. Field contains letters and/or numbers. Trailing blanks are eliminated.
Example: VARCHAR2 (5) could contain ‘ABC12’ or ‘ABC’ or ‘A’
Numeric Data
NUMBER (N) (N) = length. Field contains only numbers.
NUMBER (X,Y) = format for numbers with decimal positions.
X = total number of digits
Y = the number of digits after the decimal
Examples: NUMBER (6) represents 250012 NUMBER (6,2) represents 2500.12
DATE – Date can be in various formats. Date functions available with your query tool can be used to format the date.
Column Name Format Description
ID Varchar2 (11) ISIS personal Identifier. The ID will never be changed throughout the individual’s relationship with the University. This is not the same as Campus_ID. Only 10 characters are in use.
Name Varchar2 (50) The student’s preferred name, starting in term 1142. Prior to the fall of 2014 it shows the primary/legal name.
First_Semester_Enrolled Varchar2 (4) The semester a student was first enrolled at UW-Madison. May or may not equal the CAREER_MATRICULATION_TERM.
Fall_Cohort_Year Varchar2 (4) The calendar year of the fall term when the student entered UW-Madison as a new freshman (Admit_Type=FYR)

Note: Undergraduates enrolled in a fall term who were new freshmen in the immediately prevoius summer term retain their new freshment status during the fall term.

Note: Fall_Cohort_Year will contain a NULL value for undergraduates who entered UW-Madison —
1. prior to Summer 1985, or
2. as a transfer student, or
3. as a new freshmen in the spring term, or
4. too late in a fall term to be included in the university’s official census taken on the 10th day of classes.

Examples of Fall_Cohort_Year:
“1988” = student was a first-year undergraduate (new freshment) in Fall 1988.

[NULL value] = student was never included in an official census as a new freshman in a fall term at anytimne since (and including) Fall 1985.

Age_At_Entrance Number (3) The student’s age as of their first term enrolled, rounded down to the nearest year.
Gender Varchar2 (1) The student’s sex.
Values are:
M= Male;
X = Another Legal Sex;
U= Unknown.
Citizen_Status Varchar2 (1) The student’s citizenship status.
Valid values are:
1 = Native
2 = Naturalized
3 = Alien Permanent
4 = Alien Temporary
5 = Alien
6 = Refugee
7 = Domestic, status pending
U = Unknown
Home_Country Varchar2 (30) The student’s home country.
Home_State Varchar2 (30) The student’s state of residence.
Home_County Varchar2 (30) The student’s county of residence.
Home_City Varchar2 (30) The student’s hometown, city, or village.
Home_Zip_Code Varchar2 (5) The student’s home 5-digit zip code.
Academic_Advancement_Prog Varchar2 (1) Indicates if the student is in the Academic Advancement Program, a minority retention program administered by the College of Letters and Science.
Values are:
Y= program particpant; otherwise not populated.
Birth_Date Date The student’s date of birth.
Residency_At_Entrance Varchar2 (1) Indicates if the student is a Wisconsin resident in their first term.
Values are:
R = Student is a resident
N = Student is not a resident
U = FISC Wisconsin Resident
Tuition_Residency_At_Entrance Varchar2 (1) Code for the residency status of a student for tuition purposes in their first term. A tuition reciprocity agreement exists between Minnesota and Wisconsin. Some non-resident students from Minnesota pay fees comparable to the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities campus, based on a designated formula.
Values are:
N = non-Wisconsin resident
R = Wisconsin resident
S = Minnesota compact student
U = FISC Wisconsin Resident
Prior_College Varchar2 (11) The college code of the most recent undergraduate college for a graduate and/or transfer student. Join to PREVIOUS_INSTITUTION_CODES data view for descriptions.

A Transfer student did not previously attend UW-Madison and is transferring in credit from another institution toward a degree. This information is useful for analysis of graduation rates for transfer students as students can be divided into groups by prior institution.

High_School_Code Varchar2 (11) The code for the high school from which the student graduated. Join to data view STDNT_HIGH_SCHOOL_CODES, for code description.
High_School_GPA Number (6,3) The cumulative GPA from the high school of graduation.
High_School_Percentile Number (3) The percentile rank based on high school GPA.
High_School_Grad_Date Date The date of high school graduation.
Hs_English_Units Number (5,2) The high school units of English completed.
Hs_For_Lang1_Units Number (5,2) The high school foreign language units completed.
Hs_For_Lang2_Units Number (5,2) The high school second foreign language units completed.
Hs_For_Lang3_Units Number (5,2) The high school third foreign language units completed.
Hs_Algebra_Units Number (5,2) The high school algebra units completed.
Hs_Geometry_Units Number (5,2) The high school geometry units completed.
Hs_Other_Math_Units Number (5,2) The high school math units other than algebra and geometry completed.
Hs_Biology_Units Number (5,2) The high school biology units completed.
Hs_Chemistry_Units Number (5,2) The high school chemistry units completed.
Hs_Physics_Units Number (5,2) The high school physics units completed.
Hs_Other_Science_Units Number (5,2) The high school science units other than biology, chemistry, and physics completed.
Hs_Other_Acad_Units Number (5,2) The high school academic units completed not included in the units above.
Hs_Total_Acad_Units Number (5,2) The high school academic units completed.
Hs_Total_Nonacad_Units Number (5,2) The high school non-academic units completed.
Hs_Total_Units Number (5,2) The total number of high school units completed.
Act_English Number (6,2) Test score for ENGLISH component of ACT test. For trend analyses spanning several years users should visit the ACT website ( to obtain information on how and when scoring systems have been changed.
Act_Math Number (6,2) Test score for MATH component of ACT test.
Act_Reading Number (6,2) Test score for READING component of ACT test.
Act_Science_Reasoning Number (6,2) Test score for SCIENCE REASONING component of ACT test.
Act_Social_Science Number (6,2) Test score for SOCIAL SCIENCE component of ACT test.
Act_Natural_Science Number (6,2) Test score for NATURAL SCIENCE component of ACT test.
Act_Composite Number (6,2) Composite ACT test score.
Act_Date Date The date the student took the ACT test.
Sat_Verbal Number (6,2) Test score for the VERBAL component of SAT test.
Sat_Math Number (6,2) Test score for the MATH component of SAT test.
Sat_Date Date The date the student took the SAT test.
Sat_French Number (6,2) Test score for the FRENCH component of SAT test.
Sat_German Number (6,2) Test score for the GERMAN component of SAT test.
Sat_Spanish Number (6,2) Test score for the SPANISH component of SAT test.
UW_Math_Alpha Number (6,2) The score for the UW-Madison Alpha Math placement test. Prior to ISIS the UW-Madison math placement tests are called alpha, beta, gamma, and trix. Since ISIS, the tests are called elementary algebra, intermediate algebra, college algebra and trig tests. The scoring rubric for two sets of tests is roughly comparable.
UW_Math_Alpha_Date Date The date the student took the Alpha test.
UW_Math_Beta Number (6,2) The score on the UW-Madison Beta Math placement test.
UW_Math_Beta_Date Date The date the student took the Beta test
UW_Math_Gamma Number (6,2) The score on the UW-Madison Gamma Math placement test.
Uw_Math_Gamma_Date Date The date the student took the Gamma test.
UW_Math_Trix Number (6,2) The score on the UW-Madison Trix Math placement test.
Uw_Math_Trix_Date Date The date the student took the Trix test.
UW_Math_Elem_Alg Number (6,2) The score on the UW-Madison Elementary Algebra placement test.
UW_Math_Elem_Alg_Date Date The date the student took the Elementary Algebra test.
UW_Math_Int_Alg Number (6,2) The score on the UW-Madison Intermediate Algebra placement test.
UW_Math_Int_Alg_Date Date The date the student took the Intermediate Algebra test.
UW_Math_Col_Alg Number (6,2) The score on the UW-Madison College Algebra placement test.
UW_Math_Col_Alg_Date Date The date the student took the College Algebra test.
UW_Math_Trig Number (6,2) The score on the UW-Madison Trig placement test.
UW_Math_Trig_Date Date The date the student took the Trig test.
UW_English Number (6,2) The score on the UW-Madison English placement test.
UW_English_Date Date The date the student took the English placement test.
UW_English_Recog Number (6,2) The score on the UW-Madison English Recognition Placement test.
UW_English_Recog_Date Date The date the student took the UW-Madison test of English Recognition.
Wisc_English Number (6,2) The score on the Wisconsin English written test.
Wisc_English_Date Date The date the student took the Wisconsin English written test.
Mich_English Number (6,2) The score on the Michigan English written test.
Mich_English_Date Date The date the student took the Michigan English written test.
Toefl Number (6,2) The score on the Test of English as a Foreign Language.
Toefl_Date Date The date the student took Test of English as a Foreign Language.
Incomplete_Record_Ind Varchar2 (1) Indicates if the student has an incomplete electronic record. Affects only students enrolled prior to 1978.
Values are:
Y= Yes, incomplete record, otherwise not populated.
Extract_Date_Time Date The date and time these data were extracted from the source system.