The database administrators and the InfoAccess data warehouse team are working on upgrades to the data warehouse environment. As part of routine efforts to maintain the technology infrastructure, the database is being migrated to new Exadata servers.
The next upgrade affecting users will be the migration of the InfoAccess production data warehouse (DWHP/INFOACCESS) environment on July 11, 2020. The updates will result in a temporary outage to the production environment. Users will also be required to update a configuration on their database connections to reconnect with the data warehouse for use moving forward.
Please note the following:
- On July 11, the production data warehouse will be unavailable due to the database migration. During this downtime, you will be unable to access the production data warehouse.
- This upgrade is expected to start on July 11 at 8 a.m. with all services restored by the start of business on July 13.
- As part of this upgrade, the information to connection information (server address, port, service name, etc.) is changing. For that reason, users need to modify the connection string in their tnsnames.ora file. The connection string information will be emailed directly to users. Please follow instructions included in that email.
- Not all users are able to modify their computer configuration or know how to do it. If that is your case, please contact your IT support staff for assistance.
- It is recommended the Oracle client version installed be 12c or above. The oldest Oracle client version that will be compatible is version 11.2. Most users should have the modern client already.
The Tableau server connection will also be updated during this period. Based on testing, we don’t anticipate any impact to Tableau content.
If you plan to use the InfoAccess data warehouse (DWHP/INFOACCESS) and you did not receive an email with connection string information, please contact us at