Tableau Server Migration Update

Last year, Tableau workbooks were moved over to the UW System server. Since that move, a redirect has been in place so that those accessing the workbooks using the old URLs were automatically redirected to the workbook on the new server. …

Monthly Release Notes Now Published on

New on ODMAS’s website is a section containing release notes. The release notes, including both business intelligence updates and data warehousing updates, can be found by scrolling to the bottom of the homepage or through a link under the Analytics & Reports menu tab. So far, release notes have been …

Badger Analytics is live!

On March 5, Badger Analytics officially went live! The new cloud analytics environment uses the platform Snowflake, and the new data warehouse will eventually replace InfoAccess.   The go-live of Badger Analytics was a huge milestone for the modernization of UW-Madison’s analytics environment. The first release …