February 2021 Release Notes

BI Releases

Title Description/Details
Compliance Trainings for Youth Programs Updated contact information, title, style, image alt text, URL, and specification
Campus Security Authorities Training Audit Updated list to show NetID for individuals, alt text to images, style, and URL
Data Documentation Standard Scope approved; drafting underway
17 institutional data products Publication and modification review and processing
2 new institutional data definitions Review and processing, BICoE approved, led by ODMAS

Data Warehouse Updates

Title Description/Details
WS_LUMEN_CRSE_LO_DTL_VW The complete picture of all LUMEN course learning outcomes by term
WS_LUMEN_PROG_LO_DTL_VW Provide a complete picture of all LUMEN program learning outcomes by term

During the month of February, the ODMAS team prioritized projects preparing for the upcoming go-live of the first elements of Badger Analytics, including:

  • Badger Analytics security modeling
  • Migration of academic structure, DARS, finance, and Lumen data from Oracle
  • Moving InfoAccess ETL processes to Informatica Cloud
  • Scheduling through Tivoli