Data Governance Updates Announced

The Office of Data Management and Analytics Services continues to make progress on the formalization and implementation of data governance on UWMadison’s campus.

Recent significant developments include:

  • Revisions have been made to the Data Governance Program Charter. Of note, we have formal executive sponsorship and approval of the program from the provost and the vice chancellor for finance and administration, and the charter was updated to reflect the recently defined and implemented roles of data trustee and data steward within the program.
  • Revisions have been made to the Data Governance Council Charter. Several points of clarification have been made about the structure, operations, and role of the Data Governance Council (formerly the Data Stewardship Council).
  • The Data Governance Council has charged an ad hoc subcommittee to draft a recommended foundational institutional data policy. The Institutional Data Policy Subcommittee has been convened and has begun work with a goal of delivering initial recommendations to the council in late spring.