October 2021 Release Notes

BI Releases

Title Description/Details
17 institutional data products Publication and modification review and processing

Data Warehouse Updates

Title Description/Details
LUMEN fixes and enhancements 1. Field Change_Less_Than_Fifty added to Lumen_Course_Proposals
2. Nine fields were renamed for consistent use through Lumen model
3. Changed the Acad_Consulti field on the Lumen_Prog_Proposal_Dim to show the descriptive name rather than the code
4. Corrected the SIS_Parent_Code on the Lumen_Prog_Dim for subplans
UW.UA_MONTHLY_PAYROLL_ALL_MSN_FTE New view created to calculate the Madison FTE consistently for official reporting
STDNT_INSTR_ADVISOR_JOB The field TITLE_CODE was increased from a length of five up to six in order to handle new codes added as a result of the Title and Total Compensation Project
Salary Funding IDE and Payroll Funding Edit & Placeholder IDE Both running off Snowflake. Deprecated the load of the data to Oracle