Title |
Description/Details |
Budget Source of Funds |
UW System is now providing a CSV file to be used to load to the InfoAccess data warehouse BDGT_SOURCE_OF_FUNDS_DETAIL annually. Previously the source was the Planning Allocation system which is no longer maintaining this information. The data has been moved to PlanUW which is not easily accessible. This is an interim solution. |
Lumen Fixes and Enhancements |
A number of program-related fields on multiple program dimensions were addressed to ensure that the data is populating consistently in both InfoAccess and Badger Analytics. Some were changes due to changes in the data in Lumen and some were fixes to how the fields were being populated. |
Monthly Payroll Snapshots |
Updates were made to the monthly payroll snapshots to handle new data values coming from the Title and Total Compensation project (TTC). Some values are no longer populated or are populated with new values. Details in the UA_Monthly_Payroll data view documentation. First run of post-TTC data was November 2021. |
Retention_Test_Scores |
Increase the size of the TEST_ID field to handle values that are longer than five characters so they no longer truncate. |