University Housing

Data view name Description
Facilities Data Views  
Hous_Room_Apartment Facility information for residence halls and apartments including room, bathroom, and other internal spaces
Hous_Room_Profile Additional information attached to a room space including learning community affiliation or staff administrative use.
Administrative Data Views  
Hous_Application Requests to live in single student housing
Hous_Booking Assignment information for residence halls and apartments
Hous_Cancellation Ending of residence halls contractual obligations prior to contract dates
Hous_Dining Residence hall dining plan selection and dietary need information
Hous_Entry Demographic data on persons in residence halls and apartments
Hous_Membership Member affiliation in a group or organization in the University Housing system
Hous_Preference Student requests for halls, learning communities, and roommates in residence halls
Hous_Profile Student entered information to assist with roommate matches and assignments in residence halls
Hous_Resident_Directory Current residence directory information
Hous_RH_Application_Cust Internal custom fields created on an application record for the residence halls
Hous_RH_Entry_Cust Internal custom fields created on an entry record for the residence halls
Hous_Roommates Roommate information for a given student for a selected date range
Financial Data Views  
Hous_Rates Room, dining, and learning community rates for residence halls
Hous_Transaction Charge items and associated amounts for residence halls
Human Resource Data Views  
Hous_SEA_Application A request to work for University Housing
Hous_SEA_Employee A student employee with University Housing
Hous_SEA_Performance Performance tracking information for Housing student employees
Hous_SEA_Person Person who has some relationship with UW Housing regarding student employment. This includes, but is not restricted to, applicants and employees
Hous_SEA_Preference An applicant’s job position preferences
Hous_SEA_Training Training information for student employees
Hous_HR_Application A request to work for University Housing
Hous_HR_Community Information about Housing Residential Life communities
Hous_HR_Employee A student employee with University Housing
Hous_HR_Infraction Infraction information for student employees
Hous_HR_Neighborhood Information about Housing Residential Life neighborhoods
Hous_HR_Offer Offer for an appointment with University Housing
Hous_HR_Person Person who has some relationship with UW Housing regarding student employment. This includes, but is not restricted to, applicants and employees
Hous_HR_Performance Performance tracking information for Housing student employees
Hous_HR_Preference An applicant’s job position preferences
Hous_HR_Training Training information for student employees
Hous_Assignment_History_Old Housing assignment history
Hous_Cancellation_Old End of contractual obligation with Housing prior to normal end of contract date
Hous_Meal_Plan_Old Residence hall dining plan selection 2018-2019
Hous_Preference_Old Student requests for halls, learning communities, and roommates in residence halls 2007-2019
Hous_Rates_Old Room, food and feature rate data for each room.
Hous_Room_Old Includes rooms in UW Housing buildings, rooms from external housing sources and apartments used for single students
Hous_Room_Organization_Old Room association with an organization including direct connections or hierarchies 1993-2019
Hous_Room_Type_Hist_Old The association of a room with a room type for a date range